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A mass of beating wings flew above a fleet of ships at the dead of night.
The A team, the dragon riders, Stoick, Gobber, and practically anyone who could fly on a dragon was with the squadron of beating wings. Even Toothless was there. Astrid had found his old tail from Snoggletog that Hiccup had given him so he could fly on his own. The Night Fury seemed excited about the attack and was definitely ready.
Everyone else was manning the boats.
The plan had changed from a day attack, to a night mission. Many things had been taken out and added in.
It was now a still Friday night and the Hunters had no idea what they were in for. 
"Heather and I are going to fly ahead, start the destruction as soon as you can" Astrid told Stoick. 
"We'll be right behind you. Go" Stoick replied.
Toothless purred his good luck to them as Astrid rubbed his nose.
Stormfly and Windshear shot like bullets across the dark sky towards a fleet of Hunters ships.
"The middle one" Astrid told Heather.
The two dragons nose dived into the water and swam underneath the middle boat. Going to the side, Windshear cut a hole in the wood and they all climbed in.
They crept along the halls of the gallery.
The boat suddenly tipped violently as a boulder ripped through the wood. It narrowly missed Stormfly's wing.
"Let's move" Astrid said.
The four friends ran through the halls until they got to the hold.
They saw the cages were empty except for one.
Tussle brown hair a mess, skin frighteningly pale, weight lost and shivering violently.
"Hiccup!" Astrid exclaimed running to the door and staring at her friend.
Hiccup weakly opened his eyes a fraction.
He said something but Astrid didn't hear him.
Windshear cut the lock and Heather and Astrid opened the door.
Running in, they crouched beside Hiccup.
The boy mumbled something but Astrid and Heather didn't catch it. 
"One more time Hiccup" Astrid said leaning in so her ear was by his face.
"Thank you for coming" Hiccup rasped. Voice sounding dry and ragged.
"You didn't think we'd let you be killed did you?" Astrid said softly drawing away.
A small, weak smile played on Hiccup's lips.
Windshear broke the chains while Astrid cut the ropes with her axe.
They took Hiccup out to the hall where Astrid got on Stormfly. With Windshear's help, Heather passed the sick boy up to her.
Astrid held Hiccup carefully in her arms as Stormfly raised her wings.
Windshear and Stormfly blasted a hole out of the ship and flew from the hold.
"They're out! Everyone! Attack!" Stoick yelled.
By the looks of things, they already had. Half of the fleet ships were sunk while the others were burning lively with fire. Barbs and arrows were stuck in to the boats masts and decks.
"Coming in hot! And blowing out snot!" Tuffnut yelled as Barf and Belch flapped down to the battle scene.
Gas flowed freely from Barf's mouth as they passed the ships.
"This is going to be big!" Ruffnut laughed as the gas continued to spread.
"Now Belch! Now!" Tuff told his head.
The sparks ignited from Belch's mouth making a massive explosion.
"Woo hoo!" Snotlout yelled as Hookfang's ​fire blazed the boats.
"Heather!" Dagur called.
He leapt onto Windshear as the Razorwhip's tail  wrapped around Shattermaster.
They dove to the middle ship before Windshear let go of the Gronkle.
Shattermaster spun, then smashed through the ship like a bludgen on wood.
"Everyone! Fall back!" Stoick yelled.
The Vikings cheered as they flew and sailed away from the Hunters.
Astrid however didn't join in on the celebration, she cradled Hiccup in her arms. Looking down on him with concern.
"Astrid" Hiccup whispered weakly.
"Yes?" She asked softly.
"Thank you."
Astrid smiled gently at him.
"Your welcome Hiccup."
The boy snuggled closer to her and fell asleep again. 
Skullcrusher flew up beside Stormfly.
"How is he?" Stoick asked.
"In one word? Exhausted. He must have a really sore back. He had to sleep on bare wood" Astrid remarked.
Toothless flew over to them and looked down on Hiccup.
Seeing him with eyes closed and still made him gurgle worridly.
"He's fine Toothless. He's just resting" Astrid told the scared dragon.
The Night Fury relaxed at that and gently rubbed his head against his riders hand before settling to a glide beside the Deadly Nadder.
"Should we take him back to the edge or go back to Berk?" Astrid asked.
"I'd like him to come back to Berk" Stoick told her.
Astrid nodded.
The group of Vikings headed back to their island, happy Hiccup was back in their hands.

So yeah. More updates coming! I finally updated after a million years.
Sorry about that.
Suggestions are open.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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