1. Prologue

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Leiko was walking frantically, almost sprinting towards the entrance of the subway; hoping that maybe, there was a slight chance she would still reach her train. Her platform boots were slapping against the freshly cleaned tiles, her ripped jeans allowing cold air to slip through her maybe a little too skinny legs. Printing a ticket as fast as possible, Leiko barely managed to reach her train, stumbling in right before the doors closed. She was thankful that a lot of seats weren't taken, so she eagerly sat down and placed her messenger's bag on her lap, pulling her headphones out. Once she slipped them in, Dir En Grey blasted through her ears, making her shiver in delight. Slowly, she crossed her legs, easily ignoring the judging stares of other passengers. 

Her style was the biggest possibility of intimidation. Black, goth like boots, with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. A leopard shirt, the only part of her outfit that actually had some colour and a leather jacket on top, covering her bare shoulders. 

 Before she knew it, Leiko had reached her stop and was out within a few seconds. She then slipped inside her favourite coffee shop and stood in line, waiting for her turn. Once it came, the charming boy whose name was Koichi greeted her. He was working there for almost as long as Leiko was a university student, three years and had an ultimate crush on her, constantly asking her out on a date or even giving her the coffee for free, but the answer was always the same. No. The steaming cup of coffee was warming up her hands and as she took a sip of the hot liquid, her throat quickly adjusted. As Leiko got out of the coffee shop, she sped up her pace, knowing she'd be late for her morning class, but wanted to be there as fast as possibile. She passed people like a wild cat, the building of her university finally coming to view. Suddenly her thigh started vibrating, warning her that she had a text message. Fishing it out of her pocket, she run her finger through the touch screen, her friend's name, flashing through.

You're so damn lucky, the teacher had some work to do. Be quick before he comes back and notices you're not here. ~Sanae

Relief swept through her body, knowing she wouldn't be late. Leiko knew that since she entered the university of arts, there was no way she would let this opportunity pass. Buried in her thoughts, as she texted Sanae back, Leiko bumped onto something hard, that threw her back on the ground, landing on her ass.

"Vaffanculo!" Leiko cursed, the hot coffee sipping through her thin shirt and jeans. 

"Shit, I'm really sorry! Are you alright?" The person asked in bad English, assuming that Leiko was a foreigner by her odd cussing. He grabbed her arm, gently raising her up to her feet. Leiko let out a low growl and shrugged his hand off, pushing her phone back in her pocket.

"Do I look alright?" She hissed in perfect Japanese, slapping her shirt in hopes that it would dry. But it was futile. The warm liquid had sipped through, sticking on her chest and belly, making her feel oddly cold. She glared at the taller man, his dark brown hair covering his head, with bangs across his forehead. His equally dark brown eyes were confused and for a moment anger flashed through them.

"Are you kidding me? You were walking on a busy street without looking in front of you!"

"And since you were looking in front of you, why did you still bump onto me?" Leiko raised her voice slightly, to match the tone of the man's. They glared at each other for a long time and when the girl looked behind his head, her university coming into sight she cursed once more, and headed towards the building, angrily bumping her shoulder against his. Once she finally reached her university, Leiko went over to the bathrooms and grabbed a paper towel, wetting it effectively before dabbing it on the shirt. But there was no use, the stain was visible enough, thankfully not spreading anymore. Feeling her anger rise, Leiko kicked the trash bin, throwing all the papers out and left the bathrooms, heading towards her class, which was graphic design.

"Fuyu-san! Early as ever I see." The teacher said with a scowl, ruining his features. He was a handsome man, around twenty eight, with short black hair and a pair of interesting dark brown eyes. Mainstream for a Japanese man, but definitely capturing. Leiko used to have a crush on him but after she found out with how many women he has been married and divorced, her interest diminished pretty quickly.

Leiko quickly mimicked his scowl and pointed at her shirt, "Some asshole bumped into me and spilled the coffee all over my shirt." The teacher's face twisted in anger at her cussing, but the girl knew better. He would just scold her and let her get it over with. He had his eyes on her as well.

"Fuyu-san language please. Go to your seat." He hissed and the girl nodded, walking over to her desk, right next to her friend's Sanae. Her friend giggled quietly, while ripping a piece of paper from her notebook, scribbling some words down before sneakily throwing it over her desk. Leiko glared down at her stained shirt for a second, before grabbing the paper and unfolding it, reading her messy writing. That's had to be the one flaw Sanae had; a really bad handwriting.

I got two tickets for The GazettE concert, come with me?

Leiko sighed, and side glanced at Sanae's eager face. That was another thing Leiko hated about Sanae. Well not really in Sanae, but her taste in music. She absolutely despised that band and her friend was desperately trying to make her see them from 'her point of view' as she called it. Scribbling down her answer with a pen she had retrieved from her bag she threw the piece of paper back to Sanae. Her face instantly fell and she looked at Leiko, her lower lip jutting out. In finality, Leiko stuck her tongue out and turned back to the teacher.

I would never change my mind for this shitty band.


A/N: HELLO EVERYONE! Long time no see! I had promised you, that this week the story would be uploaded so the prologue is here! I hope you will enjoy this story as much as Calm Envy and it will keep you on your toes.

On the side you can see le banner I made ^_^

Spread your Gazelove! ~Kwneko

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