5. One Relaxing Day

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Saturday morning was a hot day. Actually too hot for Kai's liking but he couldn't do anything about it either way. He stretched and rolled over on his bed, bored out of his mind. The past few days, the band was working endlessly. They went to the studio everyday, preparing their new single that had not a name yet. Leading the band worn Kai out physically and mentally; so a thought crossed his mind.

Spend a day away from the children.

Though the man loved his friends and bandmates to bits, sometimes they were so childish that holding them in line was impossible. There were times that the manager actually had to butt in and yell at them, ruining their fun but making them work hard and without distractions. Letting out a huff, the man sat up slowly, running long fingers through his hair, messing it slightly.

"I need a shower." He mumbled to himself and so he did. He dragged his aching body towards the bathroom and took a long shower; until the strained muscles relaxed. Once out, he dressed in comfortable clothes and made his way towards his favourite part of the house. 

The kitchen.

He started off by making some coffee and boiling some water. Breakfast was an important meal of the day, he always thought, so he started cooking some rice and other snacks that could hold him for a few hours. As the meal was cooked, he set everything in the living room and sat on the wooden floor, turning the television on. He slowly ate his breakfast, looking over at a random anime that played on, thinking ways to spend his 'relaxing day' as he liked to call it. When advertisments went on, a black haired girl appeared, showing off her wig and the store you could buy it from, strongly reminding him of Leiko.

I really want to see her again.

He thought. Nibbling on his bottom lip anxiously he remembered that for a whole week, Sanae hadnt't send a single text to him. He slowly cursed himself, for not getting her number, instead of giving her his, Kai stood up and gathered the plates, washing them slowly. Once finished, he made his way back to the couch and plopped on it again. He flicked through the channels aimlessly and before he knew it, he was dead asleep.

A few hours later, Kai was up again, feeling refreshed after a good two hour sleep. He felt that this was needed and instantly his head cleared as soon as his eyes were behind his glasses. The man stood up and cracked his body's bones then went to a spare room were he had stored one of his favourite drumsets. It wasn't one that they used at their current lives but it was what he played in their first days, so Kai felt sentimental each time he sat behind it. Twirling the drum sticks momentarily, Kai smiled faintly at the familiar touch. So quickly, he plugged the earphones and opened his mp3 searching for a song that he would like to play. When he felt the usual tingles upon passing a song that would spike up his adrenaline, he let it play and started drumming, slowly getting lost in his own world.

But what the man didn't know was that his phone was buzzing for quite a long time while he played his drums, tiring himself so the adrenaline would die down. Once that happened, he put the drumsticks in a basket that he held a few pairs stored and turned off his mp3. He slowly stood up, stretching as sweat run the sides of his face and made his way towards the shower. Shivering at the sudden gust of air once he got out, Kai got dressed in plain clothing, towel drying his hair and went back to the living room, to check his phone out of habit.

"Two missed calls, huh? Whose number is that?" Kai wondered, tilting his head to the side. But instead of pondering who might be, the man decided to call back.

"Hello?" Kai scrunched up his nose at the unfamiliar female voice answering the phone, trying to remember if his number was leaked somewhere, violently stolen from a fan and spreading it to all the rest but he could come up with nothing.

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