6. Meeting His Girlfriend

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It has been another week since the double date Kai went with Leiko and her friends. The last part of the date wasn't particularly pleasing, considering he was left with a swelling cheek and a light bruise from the rings she wore. Wednesday morning, Kai received a phone call from his manager, saying he 'had to get his butt to the studio for an emergency meeting.'

The young man stood up from his comfortable bed and took a short yet refreshing shower. In the span of fifteen minutes, Kai was dressed, his hair was styled and he was out the door, heading to his car. The road to the studio was jammed, earning a groan of frustration from the young man. He was already twenty minutes late and the roads had barely cleared up. 

"Hey boss. Sorry but there is so much traffic, I don't know if I can make it on time. You guys should start and I'll meet with you later." Once Kai hung up the phone, cars started suddenly moving; in a slow but steady pace.

Once Kai reached the enormous building of PS company he went inside, the guards and secretary waved at him in excitement. He went up to the fourth floor, passing the meeting room of Alice Nine and entered the room labeled with his band name, to find everyone discussing animatedly.

"Sorry I'm late." He sighed, trying to catch his breath, "Got caught up in the traffic."

"Yeah sure. Just admit you got laid and couldn't get up in the morning." Reita smirked, making the rest of the group laugh, Kai blushing in embarassment.

"I see the nice little mark you have left hm? It was about time." Aoi commented, his lips twitching slightly. Ruki cleared his throat loudly, flicking his hand to the only empty seat in the room. Kai rolled his eyes and sat down, easily keeping up with the conversation. When the meeting was over, the five went to a fast food nearby, along with some of the staff members for lunch. They all sat down in one big table, deciding on lots of hamburgers and fries.

As they ate and made small talk, Kai couldn't help but remember the time he sat side by side with Leiko, joking about the movie and commenting on others they wanted to see or had already seen. Kai felt he was too far gone. During the day he would find an excuse to remember Leiko. Whether it would be a girl with similar attire as hers, or the burgers they ate at that moment. He hated to admit that he had a heavy crush on her and despised the need he felt to have her close to him once more.

While the drummer was lost in thought, Ruki had been watching him closely. The blonde had already figured that something was up by the way Kai acted and he was bound to find out soon. He sneakily changed a seat with a staff member and sat next to Kai, nudging him in his ribs gently.

"What's up?" Kai asked, startled by the sudden attention.

"What is wrong with you? You've been acting strange a while now. Is something bothering you?" Kai cocked his head to the side, trapping his lip between his teeth. He contemplated his choices. He kinda wanted to tell someone about Leiko, but he was slightly afraid that his friends would make fun of him.

You latched onto that girl for what? Getting rejected over and over again?

Man you are so far gone. Forget about her already; you have millions of girls running after you.

"Kai-kun? Kai-kun? What's wrong?" Ruki furrowed his brows nervously, afraid that he might have hit a soft spot that had his friend space out in remembarance.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." With a cock of his head, Ruki urged his friend to keep talking. "It's about the girl I met. I - uh, I kind of started having a crush on her but I keep getting rejected by her. The reason I didn't tell you guys was because I knew for a fact that I was going to be ridiculed by you. I know you won't mean any harm but I am so not in the mood for this."

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