2. I'm Not Going, Am I?

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Leiko was lounging outside her university's building with a few guys and Sanae, drinking beer and eating lunch. The guys tha they were hanging out with, were close to Leiko's style. Leather jackets with jeans and more on the rock, metal style with Sanae standing out as the 'good girl'. But oddly she could fit in so well, with these men getting along with her; it eased Leiko's worried feelings.

"Please, Leiko-chan! Come with me!" Sanae whined, after gulping down a french fry. 

"Not happening." Leiko rolled her eyes and gulped down some of her beer. She slowly bit on her hamburger, quietly moaning at the heavenly taste. 

"What's not happening?" One of the three men asked, pausing from his food. His name was Yoshiki and he had his hair died light blonde, wearing contacts of a shocking purple. He was around twenty five of age, and Leiko had met him in one of the Dir En Grey concerts. He was standing right in front of her, and Leiko being the shorty she was, shoved him back so she could see. Yoshiki found that amusing that he bend down and let her sit on his shoulders, so she could see one of her favourite bands better. And that's how their amazing friendship started.

"She wants to drag me over to a concert." Leiko grumbled, pushing her long black hair over her shoulder dramatically. 

"Which one?" Yoshiki questioned once more, daring to steal a glance on Sanae. The girl had blushed to the tips of her ears, knowing that if she told them which band she wanted to see, they would make fun of her.

"The GazettE." Leiko was quick to answer, knowing that if she expected a reply from her friend, it would either never come or it would be false. Sanae briefly glared at her, before shoving food down her throat so as not to feel as embarassed.

"What do you like in this band?" Yoshiki genuinly asked. Leiko had started suspecting her friend had a crush on Sanae but for some reason he wouldn't go ahead and ask her out. Sanae was the quiet, cute girl that oddly got many guys falling for her but she would always reject them; in the nicest way possible of course.

"Well, I really like the music and the lyrics are incredibly inspiring that I sometimes relate to them. They respect their fans and they're hot of course." Sanae simply explained, making Yoshiki's face burn in what seemed like jealousy.

"Anyway, I am standing on my previous answer. I am not coming. You can take Yoshiki with you for all I care." Leiko grumbled and stood up, dumping her trash, before leaving the store. Her shirt still had that awful dark brown stain, reminding her the morning encounter, and she couldn't wait to get back to her apartment and change. Going out with her friends and wearing that shirt was too much for her. Making her way back to the subway, Leiko zipped up her leather jacket and picked up her pace. It was really getting cold and it was almost the end of the February. 

Once she entered her apartment, Leiko toed her shoes off, dumped her bag on the small table she had near the door and her keys in a bowl. She easily peeled her jacket off, throwing it over the couch and quickly made her way to the bathroom, taking her clothes off one by one. She threw them on the hamper and stepped in the shower, spraying the water over her body in an instant. Her tense muscles quickly relaxed. When the water turned cold, Leiko stepped out, water dripping down her slim body.  Maybe a little too slim for her liking, but unfortunately she couldn't change that. The girl wrapped  her hair in a towel and another one around her body, walking out of the bathroom only to hear a pair of keys jingle.

"Why did you leave?" Sanae asked once she had entered their apartment. She dumped her keys in the little bowl Leiko had hers and slipped off her shoes before shoving them in the shoe cabinet. Leiko scowled, refusing to answer her friend and walked over to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. She removed the towel, throwing it on the bed and stood in front of the full length mirror that was glued on one of the flaps of her wardrobe. Leiko raked a disgusted glare on the reflection of her body. It was shapeless, the gap on her thighs was too big and her waist was flat, no curves at all. All in all, Leiko despised her body more than anything. She quickly grabbed a pair of matching panties and bra, pulling them on and got dressed in baggy clothing to give the idea she had a more shapely body. As soon as she opened the door, Leiko was assaulted with the smell of cooking, Sanae was a great cook and the girl always bowed at her skills. Which was something she couldn't even attempt doing. Maybe that was one of the reasons Leiko decided to move in with Sanae; she would starve to death if she kept living alone.

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