8. Maybe I'll Give It A Shot

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Slowly and carefully Leiko's eyes peeled open. Surprisingly enough she was the first to awaken. And the reason she was awake at this unholy hour was because of the raging hammer pounding on her skull. She started getting up from the bed, but the aftermath of drinking was quickly kicking in. A nasty bile rose up her throat that made her spring up to her feet and run to the bathroom, thankfully throwing up in the designated target called toilet. Her throat burned, her head felt as if fireworks exploded inside and her eyes were strangely tearing up. Leiko then decided to take a warm shower hoping that her taut muscles would relax. When she was done, she brushed her teeth and changed into warm clothing. It was oddly cold in the apartment. Once she felt content with her clothing and body temperature, Leiko made her way to the kitchen and opened up a cabinet where she and Sanae held some necessary medical supplies. She downed a pill for her headache and started brewing some coffee. 

When the coffee was ready, she poured the delicious liquid in her favourite mug and added some sugar. As quiet as possible she manuveured her way to the living room, but the sight she came up with almost made her drop her cup. Kai was sprawled on the couch, with a blanket that covered until his waist, his head was resting on his arm that dangled from the edge.

I'm sure Sanae did this while I was sleeping like a pig.

Leiko decided to let him sleep a little; she wasn't the only one that was hammered last night. Just as quietly as she walked into the kitchen she went back to her room, trying to pick up on the project that was due to the following week. She sat down on her chair, sipped some of the coffee, that instantly warmed her cold body and picked up her pencils and pens, ready to start her day. Hours passed by until Sanae finally woke up. She groggily started her morning routine, that consisted of taking a shower, brushing her teeth and drinking coffee. Once she saw that there was coffee left she checked the living room, to see if Kai was up but by the looks of it he was still asleep.

Sanae knew that someone must have been awake and by the way Yoshiki had been snoring in her ear while they cuddled in their sleep, signified that he had been dreaming like a bird. With a cocked head, the young woman tip toed to Leiko's room and opened it just as quietly, to find Leiko frantically scribbling on her sketching pad, a mug of coffee beside her. "What are you doing up so early?" Leiko jumped up at the voice, glaring at her friend as brutally as she could muster. 

"My head was killing me and sleeping any further was no longer an option so I got up, made myself some coffee and decided to give another try to the project we have the following week. Have you done it?" Sanae smiled sheepishly and shrugged, earning a shake of the head from Leiko. The girl barely made her essays and projects that it was a wonder to Leiko how she passed her classes. When Leiko saw that Sanae wasn't making any further conversation she went back to her project, ignoring the fact that her friend was staring at her way too intensely; it meant she wanted something. It made Leiko's skin prickle and her hackles raise in warning. "What do you want?" Leiko finally said and rolld her chair, pointing at the bed.

Sanae took her usual seat at the edge of the bed, nonchalantly sipping her coffee. But Leiko was glaring at her and had crossed her arms over her chest. Uh oh. "Well?" The slighty urgency in her voice, had Sanae sputtering nonesnse. She knew that Kai would wake up sooner or later and she contemplated on whether she should ask the millions of questions she had to Leiko, or wait until he left first. 

Though Sanae wanted to keep him here as much as possible, meant that she had to do 'the talk' right that instant. "I know you like Kai-san. You made it pretty clear last night," Leiko blushed to the tips of her ears, avoiding her friend's gaze, "so why don't you want to be with him? You like him, he has the hots for you as well. Why do you make his life a living hell? The guy can have anyone he wants, whatever the gender trust me, and you act like virgin Mary." 

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