11. Alone

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Leiko had lost count of how many weeks passed by since Kai and her started dating. In all honesty they have been to countless dates, she stayed at his place for god knows how many weekends and Leiko was even now astounded how Sanae hadn't realized anything. 

Or maybe she did, but decided to ignore it.

It was currently two weeks before Christmas and Leiko had been doing her piled up essays non-stop the past few days. Being with Kai was taking up a whole lot of her time, which she usually spent by studying. Now with all the exams coming up after the New Year, Leiko was struggling to keep up with everything. Currently Kai had gone on a tour, which was actually taking a toll on her, but she decided to push it down by doing her homework. Friday night, was when Leiko finally finished everything related to her university. She had her cheek pressed against her papers, a sigh leaving her lips. A muffled buzzing made her head snap upwards as she struggled to take her phone out of her pocket. Only she had to stand up and started jumping up and down. In her hurry to pull the phone out, she managed to hit her face with her hand.

After she successfully pulled her phone out, she hurriedly pressed the answer button and greeted with a pant.


"Hey baby! What took you so long?" Leiko's heart fluttered at the sound of his voice. It made the throbbing in her jaw turn into a dull pain she barely felt.

"U-um nothing. Just couldn't find my phone." The background was oddly quiet, which was surprising. Whenever he called her there was a buzzing noise bothering them. "How come it's so quiet?"

"Oh, we are at the hotel. We'll go grab a bite in a while. How are you?"

"Hella tired. Just finished my homework and now I don't know what to do.'' Leiko plopped on her bed with a sigh, moving her jaw a little to ease the pain, but it only hurt worse.

"Why don't you go for a walk with Sanae?" Leiko couldn't help the wince as he jaw seemed to erupt in pain once more. Her knuckles seem to do a pretty good job at injuring herself rather than others.

"She has a date with Yoshiki."

"Then why don't you go out with Rin? She stayed in Tokyo this time because of her work. She is a nice company."

Leiko snorted loudly, making Kai scowl at the sound. "After what happened with your genious plan? No, thank you."

Kai sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. He now realized how that plan was stupid. He really wanted for Leiko and Rin to hang out. Rin knew all about them far more than se did and she was the only one besides Ruki that knew about them. "Come on babe, it's okay. She is a cool person, I promise you that. Just give her a chance."

"Fine, fine. Just text me her number."

"Okay I will." There was a brief pause and loud voices, that startled the now relaxed Leiko. She struggled to listen to the conversation but all she heard was something about eating. "Hey baby, I have to go now. We are going out for dinner. I'll text you later okay? Bye, I miss you."

"Bye, I mi--" Without managing to finish her sentence, Leiko scowled as Kai ended the call. Then her phone buzzed, indicating she had a text.

Hey sorry about hanging up, Aoi took my phone. Here is Rin's number and I know you miss me, who wouldn't? :3 -StubbornDimples

Rolling her eyes, Leiko let her fingers hover over her keyboard a little as she thought of a reply.

Go eat your food Jackass. We'll talk later.    -Tsundere:3

Once she had sent her text, Leiko stood up and went over to the kitchen, searching for something to eat. But as she paced in the kitchen with the cupboards open, she thought of getting some dinner outside from the overly silent house. Making her way back to her room, she picked up the phone and stared at the message Kai had sent her with Rin's number. Before she could change her decision, Leiko dialed Rin's number and put on the phone by her ear.

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