Chapter 6

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Love this video ^^ credit to the editor ( xPoemi ) k back to the story. ENJOY!💕

That night Adrian tossed and turned and could barely sleep. He kicked off his blanket just to pull them back up a couple minutes later, he tried all different angles but nothing. No sleep whatsoever. At one point he just gave up on sleeping and layed there thinking.
"Every time I try to sleep I keep getting this faint memory or something of Marientte turning into ladybug but it was probably just his imagination since i had lost so much blood. But I mean Marientte does look like ladybug and she sure has her attitude and cute facial expressions...." He immediately shook the thought out of his head.
"Nahh it was just me imaging stuff." He sat up and checked his clock "5:46". He got up and went into the bathroom to get ready early.


Marientte also couldn't sleep. She stopped trying at 4am and just got ready and sketched until the school opened. At around 6:30 she left the bakery to go to school. When she arrived the school doors where still closed with a sign saying " school moved to after lunch " .
Adrian pulled up and saw Marientte looking at the sign on the door and crept behind her also reading the sign.
" well I guess we have some time before school starts." Marientte turned around and and almost slapped Adrian in the face.
" OH MY GOSH!" She punched him in the arm.
" you have got to stop doing that!" Adrian rubbed his arm where she had hit it.
" ow! What are you talking about." She punched him again in the same spot as before.
" stop sneaking up on me and scaring me like that!" Marientte went to swing again and Adrian backed up dodging the punch.
" ok! Ok I'm sorry." He laughed.
"Since we don't have school for another..." He looked at his watch." Four and a half hours soooo.... Do you want to get breakfast and talk. I'm starving!" He rubbed his stomach and Marientte giggled at his gesture and nodded.
"Sure I have nothing else to do anyways."they began to walk and then  Marientte stopped.
"Wait where are we going to eat at?" Adrian turned around and smiled gently.
"Any where you would like. My treat." Marientte shook her head.
"No I don't want you to pay for me! I don't want to use you just cause you famous." She looked down at her feet.
"Marientte you are such a good person. Marientte you're not using me I'm offering and I'm not taking no for an answer. Ok." Marientte blushed a light pink color and nodded. Adrian grabbed her hand and they walked to a restaurant.
They got into the restaurant and waited for a waiter to take them to there table.
"This place is really fancy and nice. Do you come here often?" Marientte looked around at the magnificent café with all these important business worked and high class folks eating and chatting with each other.
" Uhh yeah sometimes with the mayor and.... Uhh chloe. Why in hell would I bring her up on a date!" Adrian hit himself on the for head when she wasn't looking.
" oh.."
After a couple awkward minutes someone finally came by to seat them.
It was a young girl probably 16 or 17 with long blonde hair put into a French braid. She was really pretty. When I say pretty I mean PRETTY. Her name tag said grace and she smiled large when she saw Adrian.
" Mr. Aggreste I wouldn't imagine a cute boy like you to be alone this morning!" She grabbed Adrian's arm and began to walk to the bar seats.
"Uh actually I'm not alone I'm with my friend Marientte. FRIEND! Why am I so stupid." He stopped an gestured at the girl behind them. Grace turned around and glared at Marientte.
" oh." She looked back at Adrian and frowned.
" I'm sorry I didn't realize. I'll seat you two at a booth instead." The girl began to walk in front of them and suddenly tripped and fell backwards and Adrian caught her.
" oh I'm so sorry! I'm such a clutz sometimes." She giggled and Adrian puked her back up to her feet.
"I-its no problem r-really Uhh... " he looked at her name tag really quick" grace." She blushed a little and walked over to the booth we were to sit at.
" so what would you like to drink Adrian?" She sat next to him and propped her head up with her elbo and hand.
" I'll have a sweet tea with a lemon thank you." She stood up and winked.
"No problem." Just before she was about to leave Adrian grabbed her writs.
" Uhh grace you didn't ask Marientte."
She turned and glared once more at the girl.
"Marientte was it? Uhh what do you want?" She rolled her eyes when she asked Marientte.
Marientte was getting pretty annoyed with this grace.
"Yeah he already said my name like three seconds ago kind of hard to forget so quickly." Grace and Adrian widened there eyes at the shock of Marienttes snap.
"Uhh grace was it? I would like a sprite and a small glass of water." Grace wrote it down and went to go talk to Adrian when Mari cut her off.
"And before you start to chit chat with him maybe you should do your job and bring us our drinks please." Adrian looked over at Marientte. He had never seen her like this.
"Why is she acting line this? Is my princess... Jealous!" He smirked at Marientte, her jealous rage radiating off her.
"Maybe we should get a different waiter. She's getting on my nerves." Marientte turned to see Adrian staring at her and smirking.
"W-what are y-you looking at!" She blushed.
"Marientte were you getting jealous?" He said with an evil grin locked on his face. Marientte looked at Adrian.
" am I being jealous? No. I can't. But she was really getting on my nerves. Especially with the "tripping" stunt she pulled! maybe.." She whispered. Adrian sat up and stretched across the table inches away from Marientte.
" what was that? I couldn't hear you."
He whispered in her ear. Marientte turned a dark red from the back of her neck to her ears and all over her cheeks. God she wanted to kiss him so bad.
"Nothing I said nothing!" She leans back to get away from the closeness of Adrian.
"Ok." He went back to his seat and handed her the menu.
"We should find what we want before she gets back." She looks up from the menu and winked.
The drinks came but there was a different waiter. Marientte new it was because what she had said but she didn't feel bad. Well she did but she got over it. The two teens ordered their food and it came back quicker than expected. They ate and talked but the breakfast was mostly filled with awkward silence. They finished the food and walked to the park just to wait for school.
"HEYY! MARIENTTE! ADRIAN!"they turned around and saw Alya and Nino running towards them.
"Hey Alya! Hey Nino!" Marientte giggled as the amber haired girl practically talked her down.
Nino walked up yo Adrian and they did there usual fist bump and looked at the girls who were in the middle of a hug.
"You act like you haven't seen her in a year Alya." Nino rolled his eyes.
"So! She my best friend!" She pretended to punch Nino which made Nino flinch.
"Nino are you scared of Alya?" Adrian cocked his eyebrow and smerked.
"U-uh  n-no!" Alya turned and glared at Nino.
"U-UH Y-YES!" He his behind Adrian and the to girls laughed.

They hung out in the park for a while when Alya checked her phone.
" hey guys it 11:48pm we should get lunch before we head to school." Nino and Adrian groaned as they checked there phone's as well.
"Well I know where we can go for lunch! My treat." She walked to the street as the other teens looked at her in confusion.
" where Marientte?" Adrian asked
Marientte turned around and smiled.
"My parents bakery!" The three looked at each other again and Alya ran to hug Marientte.
"You really are the best Marientte! I hope they'll make me some macaroons to go!" Marientte laughed at the macaroon loving Bestie and the two boys looked at Marientte and Alya.
"Oh yeah I forgot the boys haven't got to try anything yet. You'll love it!" Alya smiled and we began to walk to the bakery.
" I have had an artichoke and spinach pie once.. But that was in freshman year." Adrian said to Nino.
"Well if Alya Likes it that much I might to!" The boys laughed and caught up with the girls.
They walked into Marientte's bakery and they all sighed to the lovely smell of cookies and honey croissants.
"Mama Papa me and my friends were wondering if we could have lunch!" Marientte ran and gave her parents a hug.
"Of course they can we just made a bunch of cookies and other stuff that should be out in a bit." Alya stood and went to asked Mr. Dupain-Cheng when he cut her off.
"And.. Some macaroons for you Alya." Alya jumped in place than gave him a hug.
" thank you Papa!" Alya sat back down and the boy looked at her.
"Oh yeah Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Cheng told Marientte that her friends can call them Mama and Papa because we are like family." They looked over at Marientte who nodded as confirmation that what she said was true.
"You guys can call us that if you would like. We honestly prefer it!" Sabine said as she sat some lemonade and some sweet treats down in front of the four.  Alya immediately grabbed a macaroon and shoved it in her mouth.
" I know my mom is a famous chef but your parent make the best macaroons ever!" Adrian and Nino picked up a macaroon and ate it.
Suddenly the boys eyes widened and they swallowed the cookie.
" holy... Marientte these are... AMAZING!" Nino grabbed another macaroon and ate it.
"These are terrific Marientte! Even though I shouldn't be eating this kind of stuff I can't help myself!" He grabbed a croissant that had chocolate drizzled on it.
"Wait Adrian don't you have a food regime you have to follow. Ugh I'm so stupid!" She slapped her self in the forehead  " I'm so so sorry i-" Adrian grabbed her hand and held it as he started into her tropical ocean blue eyes.
"Its ok Marientte. Really. Nobody will even know and if my father finds out then I will take responsibility. Its not your fault so don't blame yourself for everything. Ok" Marientte blinked a couple times and looked away from his emerald green eyes slightly turning pink. Adrian released her hand and drank some of the lemonade.
They ordered some food and talked about the dance. What they should wear. What they should do after and other random things.
" hey we should probably get to school or we will be late." Alya said standing up getting ready to leave.
"Bye Mama Bye Papa! See you after school." The kids left and headed over to the school which was now opened and kids were now entering.
Alya and Nino walked ahead and Adrian stoped Marientte to talk.
"Today was really fun Mari we should do this more often." He smiled and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
" yeah it was." Marientte turned to walk away.
" see you in class." Adrian stoped her again before she could walk off. He pulled her over to him and kissed her on the cheek and smiled.
" yeah see you in class." He pulled away and walked towards the bathroom. He left Marientte just standing there as red as hell fire practically stumbling on every step.

Ok guys hope you liked the chap. It wasn't as interesting like before but next chapter will be a good one.💞

Word count ~ 2043

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