Chapter 7

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| Recap of chapter 6 |

Adrian  gently kissed Marientte's cheek.
"Yeah see you in class." He walked to the bathroom leaving Marientte standing there as red as hell fire, stumbling on almost every step.

| Recap ended |

Warning! Mature content in this chapter viewers discretion advise.
Bouts to be some sexualness guys😂 its not really lemon but it has some stuff 😜and if you aren't into that stuff skip the ending. K thanks bye.

After school Marientte ran home and locked her self in her room. She threw her bag on her little couch and collapsed to the floor. Tikki flew over to Marientte and shook her shoulder.

"Marientte! Are you ok! Marientte!" Marientte groaned but didn't move an inch.
"Marientte! Come out here please!" Sabine called from the living room.
Marientte groaned again and sat up off the floor.
"Coming Mama!"
She walked downstairs and sat on the couch across from her parents.
"Since this week is the last week before break it also the last week we  will be in Paris and going to England." Marientte shot up to her feet.
"WHAT!"She paced the floor panicked.

" Woah Marientte! Your not going. Me and you mother will be gone for two weeks." Tom said. Marientte signed in relief and sat back down.
"Soooo. You will be home alone for those two weeks.."Sabine sighed" right after I help you get ready for your dance we will have to leave." Marientte frowned.
" awww nooo Mama then I won't get to tell you about what happened." Sabine sat next to her daughter, she pushed Marientte's bangs back and kissed her forehead.
" its ok Mon amour you can tell me all about it when we get back."Marientte nodded bit then realized that she wanted to ask something.
" hey Mama the dress you bought me its beautiful..... but I want you to take it back and use the money to go on a date while your in England."

"No Marientte we bought you that for this dance and you won't have a dress." Tom said.
"Yes I will Papa I have been working on this dress for along time and I finally finished and I.. I would like to wear it for this dance. And besides I want you to have fun while you're gone." Sabine smiled and hugged Marientte.
"What did we do to deserve such an amazing daughter." Marientte giggled.
"Je t'aime Mama and Papa."


It was finally the night of the dance and Marientte was getting ready for the big night. Sabine helped with her makeup but then she got a call.

" Mon amour I have some bad news." Marientte turned around in her chair and gave her mom sad eyes.
"What is in Mama.." Sabine sighed

"Our plain is leaving early we have to leave right now." She kissed her child on the forehead and went to the door to exit.
"I just texted Alya and she will be coming over to help you with your hair bunny." She blew a kiss and opens the door to her room and Alya was standing there.
"Bonne Nuit Mama je t'aim." Marientte sadly said.
"Je t'aim Mon amour."Marientte and Alya waved good bye. Sabine and Tom left to the airport.
"So Marientte. let's. get. STARTED!"
Marientte giggled and they Alya rushed over to her Bestie.
Alya decided she would get ready at Marientte's house with her so she wasn't alone.


Adrian arrived with Nino in his limo and they waited for the girls to arrive.
"So are you going to ask Alya to dance?" Adrian wiggled his eyebrows at his friend. Nino punched the blonde and laughed.
"You gonna ask Marientte to dance?" He copied Adrian's movement and elbowed him in the arm.
" well at least I asked mine to the dance you were to wimp to even take about the dance without stuttering!" Adrian joked.
Nino laughed knowing it was true until he paused staring dead at the entrance of the schools gymnasium.
"Yo bro? What's up with.... you." He stopped and stared at Marientte who was in the most magnificent dress he had ever seen. He worked his why up from shoes to dress. The shoes had a rhinestone heart in the middle of the flats she wore and her dress was a sparking light pink knee dress that fitted to her waist and came out from her waist to her knees. It had a cute polka dot bow wear the fitted and loose part met and there was a little lace lining the top wear her chest was.
He worked his way up and noticed Marientte's blue-black hair was down and met her shoulders. Adrian blushed at the sight of his date. She was beautiful beyond compare.
"Holy- " Marientte's eyes met mine and she blushed a little and then dragged Alya over to where we were.
"Hey guys! You clean up nice Nino." Alya winked. Nino blushed a bright red and nodded.
"U-uh thanks y-you -too!" Nino stuttered.
" you look... Amazing Marientte." He said gently as Marientte's face turned as pink as her dress.
"T-to you! U-uh i-i mean you to." She hung her head low cause of her stuttering stupidity.
"Nino and Mari are already becoming a hot mess." Alya giggled under breath and grabbed onto Nino's hand.
"Let's dance pretty boy!" She winked and pulled Nino to the dance floor.
"So u-uh Marientte did y-you make that dress?"she looked up at him and then a frown played upon her face.
" is it that noticeable? Its my first life size attempt and its already bad!"she weakly smiled and looked down.
"N-NO!" She looked up at Adrian scared at his sudden outburst.
" w-what I meant was it looks amazing and your really good Marientte." Tears began to form in her eyes and she hugged the boy..
Adrian immediately hugged the bluenette.
"Thank you Adrian it means a lot coming from you." Marientte whispered cussing Adrian to get goosebumps.
After a while a slow song began and everyone paired up to dance.
"S-so you want to u-uh dance?" Adrian said.
" y-yeah." With that Adrian wrapped his arm around her waste and pulled her close. Marientte didn't blush this time. This time she did something crazy. Marientte wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her face. This time Marientte chased Adrian to blush dark red.
"I-i have wanted to do this since the day I laid eyes on you Marientte Dupain-Cheng." He pulled Marientte closer and there lips met deepening into a passionate kiss. After a minute or two they pulled away panting.
" y-you know t-that we didn't even g-get to dance before you u-uh kissed me."Marientte stuttered red as a cherry.
" well now we can dance." He pulled her pack close and held her and Marientte layer her head on his shoulder. They played a few slow songs and then it went back to a party. All the slow songs they stayed in one spot holding on to each other.

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