Chapter 13

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 Chat and Hawkmoth turned from deadly fight and saw ladybug. But this was a different ladybug. Her hair was no longer in her usual pig tails but was down with a reed headband, her bright red mask was now a darker shade of red with her black spots, her suit was completely different it had black all covering the arms with dark red at the hands, the chest was dark red with the dots all down  with black on her feet and the sides had a black strip going down from her armpits to he ankles. Chat stood there with awe even though he was beaten and hurt he just stood there mesmerized by her beauty... until he was struck again by Hawkmoth knocking him out cold.


"I-I thought i killed you?!" Hawkmoth said confused. Ladybug grinned and pulled out her yo-yo

"You can't get rid of me that easily... I mean not without a real fight!" she charged at Hawkmoth and tried to kick him but he moved slightly and grabbed her ankle sending her flying through the air. Ladybug adjusted herself in mid air and landed on her feet.

"Just because you had an outfit change doesn't mean you can defeat me you're still a little girl who can't do anything right!" The two people clashed and  fell back. Hawkmoth drew more daggers from his miraculous and began to throw them at her. Ladybug pressed her yo-yo and a shield appeared whole front.

"What th-" Hawkmoth said confused. Then Ladybug ran up behind him and knocked him down. Hawkmoth flipped over and kicked her down as well.

* time skip because i suck at fight scenes *

After maybe  hours of deadly fighting and failed strategy they were getting tired of this game.

"Just give up Ladybug! You can't beat me! if we keep fighting  you will die." Hawkmoth said.

" That's what you think Hawkmoth but in the end it will be you who end on the floor and me the heroin of paris like always! " She launched another yo-yo attack but he dodged it again.

"I gave you a chance to live Ladybug now it's a fight to death no more playing around!" Hawkmoth pulled a sword from behind his back and went to throw it but before her could get the perfect angle she disappeared.

"what the hell." Hawkmoth said to himself. suddenly she came flying down on top of him and they crashed into the ground. Hawkmoth threw her off him and stood.

"UGh! I'm tired of these games!" Hawkmoth tapped his staff and a bunch of white butterflies flew out surrounding his legs lifting him up above the buildings they were surrounded by. He flew fast towards  some civilians and three butterflies landed on three  items turning them into akumatised villains chasing after Ladybug.

"Ha! this just shows how weak you are Hawkmoth! You cant even fight your own battle so you take advantage of poor people like these who LET ME REMIND YOU aren't even hurt in anyway!" Ladybug got into her fighting position as the villains began walking towards.

"I can do whatever i want! besides your going to loose anyway!" Hawkmoth mocked

 The three came running at her and tackled her down. Hawkmoth laughed and walked towards the pile of people and victory. Then the huddle roared  and light blinded Hawkmoth.

"What the h-" he said covering his eyes.

"like i said before you will  never beat me." hawkmoth opened his eyes and saw ladybug and three familar teens.

"i knew you would eventually ad some more components to this fight so i staged it. I put them in that spot, the spot i knew you would go to first."

"Candie.. EARS OUT!" Alya said as her necklace miraculous transformed her into Volpina.

"Shelly.. SHELL ON!" Nino said as his bracelet miraculous transformed him into Tortoise.

"Buzz.. WINGS OUT!" Chloe said as her glasses miraculous transformed her into Bumble.


"i - what-how did you!" Hawkmoth rambled.

"Did you know that only the Ladybug and Chat Noir Miraculous can de-evilize with only words if we truley love and know that person." ladybug laughed.

"Ha you cant! Chloe hates you it's impossible!" Hawkmoth yelled.

"She may not like me but i care about chloe! I care about everyone that's why I was chosen as ladybug!" Ladybug explained. 

"Yeah! Uh Like i may not like Marinette like at all but i guess i can uhh t-tol-lorate her ~gag noise~" Bumble said.

"BUT! i can tolerate Ladybug soo this works for me." Hawkmoth snarled at bumbles words.

"NO! NO! you HATE each other!there should be no teamwork!"Hawkmoth said infuriated.

"You still dont get it do you hawkmoth."said Vopina.

"We wanted to give you a second chance but there is only evil and hate in your heart."said Tortoise

As the three new hero's staled Hawkmoth Ladybug ran to chats side.

"Chat! Chat please wake up chat" whispered Ladybug.
Chat groaned and began to wake up.

"M-my lady?" He said tired like.
Ladybug threw her arms around Chat. Then he sat up and saw the fight that was happening behind Ladybug.

" We need to stop him!" Chat snarled.
" I dont even care if we kill him in the process he must be stopped." Before ladybug could speck he bolted up and sacked the back of Hawkmoth's head.
Suddenly he was out cold with blood slowly dripping out off his head.

"is be d-dead.."said bumble as she trembled.

Chat looked away.

"no but even I he was I would care." He spat.

Ladybug bend down and snatched his miraculous.
"we will take this to master Foo."
ladybug turned in her lucky charm and fixed the city. She walked up tog he other group of miraculous holders.
"Thank you guys so much." She hugged the group.

"Tikki spots off." Ladybug said as she detransformed
Gabriel woke and noticed chat silently crying over him. Chat didn't notice because the tears and Gabriel's eyes were barely open. Chat turned away from his father. Gabriel looked around him slowly and saw a price of glass. He reached out and grabbed it slowly trying not to be noticed.
"If I die you die!" He thrust His arm with full  force.

"CHAT!"screamed Marinette screamed.

" I will not be DISRESPECTED" screamed Gabriel.

Marinette walked slowly up to Gabriel.

"I don't kill people that have been akumatized because there just hurt an you take advantage but I WILL KILL THOSE WHO DESERVE TO DIE!!"she kicked him in the jaw and he fell to the ground. Marinette grabbed a shard of glad and held it in the air.

"Your evil! You killed tour own son!!!!" She stabbed the glass into his heart and cried. She crawled over to chat and laid his head on her lap.

"C-chat.. Its ok i-im here chat."she cried. Chat slowly opened his eyes.

"M-my lady have I ever told you.." He coughed up blood and winced at the pain from the stab wound. " t-that your p-purrfect." Chat whispered. Chat was once again crying not because he was dying but that he didn't getting have a life with his true love.

"ch-chat  its o-ok I'm here we- we'll save you!!" The tears came flooding down her face. Chat lifted his hand to her cheek and weakly smiled. She grabbed on to his hand.
"I love you Marinette." Marinette smiled in in tears and replied.
"I love you too." Chat smiled and let his last breath free.
His hand felt limp but Marinette didn't let go.
He struggled for one last sentence.

" I loved you before you ever knew.."


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