Chapter One

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Fuck! I slam my hand down on the alarm clock quickly, so I don't wake my dad or my step-brothers. I look at the clock and see that it is 5:25, Jesus, it's to damn early for this shit. But its not like I have a choice. If I want to get the fuck out of the house without my dad or step-brothers waking up, I have to get up pretty damn early.

I groan as I sit up, the motion aggravating the new cuts on my back and ribs that I got last night. Wondering how aren't ya? Hah. As if you care. Standing up I reach for my towel and head into the adjourning bathroom connected to my room, the only luxury I have. Stripping out of my old worn shirt and boxers, I turn on the water and step in carefully. I turn the knob to the hottest my body can withstand and relish the stinging pain as the water hits my open wounds. Grabbing the two in one shampoo and conditioner, I scrub it into my hair roughly. Damn fucking school, I hate school, all anyone does is stare at me like I kicked their fucking puppy onto a busy highway and laughed sadistically as it was ran over. Like what the actual fuck, am I really that fucking bad? Realizing I have been in here for longer than I usually am, I hurry to wash my body, dry off and throw on the first clothes I see. Which happen to be a worn out light grey shirt, my black leather jacket and faded jeans. I pull on my black combat boots, lace 'em up and look at the clock, 5:42. I better hurry if I want to make it out without a fight.

Running downstairs I hurry to the front door without getting anything to eat first, I don't usually eat breakfast. In my haste to get out the door, I didn't notice that my sperm donor was creeping up behind me. He shoves me, causing my nose to collide painfully with the wooden door. Fuck! How could I be so stupid as to not make sure he was still asleep in his room with that bitch he calls a wife! Blood starts rushing out of my nose and down my chin, staining my shirt. I can smell the whiskey on his breath from here, great he's drunk at 5:40 in the morning, this'll be a nice way to start out the day.

I groan and straighten up to my full height, which is 6'4, and turn to face my father. Although I am pretty tall for a guy my age, my dad is still bigger than me at 6'6 and 230 pounds, he towers over me and outweighs me by about 50 pounds, so there is not much I can do as he punches me in my already injured ribs, twice. I groan and bend over my midsection clutching my aching ribs.

"Where the fuck are you going you worthless piece of shit?" my father yells at me, his face contorted with anger. Without giving me a chance to answer, he shoves me to the ground and kicks me repeatedly in the back and ribs. I grunt on impact and curl up in a sad attempt to try and shield my ribs from his kicks. Goddammit. I don't even try to fight back, I've tried, it doesn't do any good. When he sees that he won't get anymore of a reaction out of me, he stops kicking me and grabs my hair, yanking my head back painfully and yelling into my face.

"Answer me you bitch!"

"I am going to school Sir, it is the first day of senior year for me Sir." I say to him in a strangled voice. All but 1 of my step-brothers are already out of high school but they still live here with my father. I have three step-brothers. There is Cole, he's 20, then there's Brian, he is Cole's twin, and lastly there is Brett. Brett is 18 and is supposed to be in school but he doesn't bother to show up. They all hate me and join in with my father when they can. Dochebags.

He laughs and punches me in the face one more time before releasing his death grip on my hair and shoving my head down towards the ground.

"Then go Alexander. I don't know why you bother though. You'll never be more than a worthless piece of shit." he sneers, still chuckling a little. Turning around, he stumbles in the direction of the kitchen, mumbling incoherently about needing another beer.

I sigh, pick up my fallen shit, wipe the blood off my chin with my sleeve, and head out the door towards the school I have gone to since freshman year, Creek Side High. The walk is about 20 minutes so I get there at about 6:15. School doesn't start until 7:30, but the school is still open for those weird fucking people who show up insanely early, namely, me.

Walking into the school, I head to the bathroom to clean up as best I can. When I get there I look in the mirror to see bruises already formed on the bridge of my nose, my left eye, and my left cheekbone, but they aren't to bad. Blood is all over my chin, neck and shirt. Jesus, no wonder those people in there cars were staring at me, I look like a fucking Walking Dead reject. Wiping the blood off and fixing my face as best I can, I then check my ribs to see more bruises, but luckily the cuts didn't start bleeding again. Looking at myself once again, I begin to imaging what rumors will be made about how I got the bruises this time. One time there was one that said I got into a fight with 3 gang members and killed them then dumped there bodies in a river. I scoff, as if.

With there being nothing more I could do about my appearance I sigh and grab my shit off the counter and head towards the only class that I even remotely like, Mechanics with Mr. Lane. He is a pretty good teacher and guy, he served as a marine in the military for 12 years before becoming a teacher here at Creek Side. Why he became a teacher, I don't have a fucking clue. He is big dude with salt and pepper hair and a scar on his left eyebrow, making his face look more severe than it really is.

I walk in to see Mr. Lane and some other students gathered around a screen watching the highlights of last nights football game between the Packers and the Cowboys. Mr. Lane glances up at me as I set my shit down on my desk that's next to the garage. After looking at my face for a few seconds he frowns. He gets up, walks over to me and pulls me into the garage that's attached to the classroom.

"The hell happened to you Son?" he asks me in an even tone.

"I got into it with somebody early this morning and it didn't turn out so well for me." I tell him in a low voice. I am pretty sure he suspects that my dad and brothers like to beat the shit out of me but he has never said anything the past years that I have been in his class.

He sighs and reaches up to put his hand on my shoulder.

"You should fight back." is all he says before giving my shoulder a squeeze and then going back into the classroom just as the bell rings. Wow time flies. At least I didn't flinch when he reached for me, that's a win.

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