Chapter 10

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"Alexander, is that you?"

I turn to face my father with an emotionless face and blank eyes.

"Father. Long time no see." I reply to him. He looks drunk. Of course. Then he see's my companion.

"Rudy? Where have you been baby brother. I've missed you tons!" He exclaims in a slurred drunk/high voice, marching towards Rudy with his arms wide open for a hug, completely forgetting about me.

"Ronald. I think it would be best if you just let us grab some of Alexander's clothes and go." Rudy tells Father, holding his palms up to indicate not to hug him.

"What do you mean? Get some of his stuff and go? He's not going anywhere, this is his home and this is where he will stay." He's getting agitated now. That's not a good sign of what's to come.

"Father. I would appreciate if you would let me leave now, I've been gone a while already. Everything will be fine. Rudy, go into that room and grab some stuff. I don't care what it is because I have nothing I'd really want to keep. Well, just make sure you grab my leather jacket and my books alright?" I cut in, he hesitates, seeing that my father isn't so happy go lucky anymore, but does as I say with a quiet 'okay' and a nod.

I wonder if he knows how Father gets.

"Alexander. What the hell do you think you're doing in my house, taking my shit, thinking i'll let you leave! After all I've done for you you're just going to leave me here without no kind of repayment." Shaking his head. "No, no. I don't think so. Come here boy, it's been a while since we've tangled and what with your attitude. I'm thinking you need a little bit of a reminder why I'm the alpha and you will always be my bitch." He gets into his stance, I'm sadly nostalgic when seeing it. He used to strike fear into me with that stance but now all I can see is how shit his style is.

God. He wants to fight me. I have half a mind to let him, but I know I would win. He's looking a bit worse for ware and I have grown in the years I've been gone. I'm bigger than he is now, though I doubt I weigh more than him, I also gained about 40 pounds on the inside, in muscle.

"I'm not here to fight Father. Lower your hands and try to understand that I do not owe you a single damn thing that I have not already repaid to you. I kept quiet and was obedient long enough. I will not be treated this way any longer. I may not be worth much but I know that I didn't deserve none of what you guys did to me and I will not sit back any longer." Rudy walks out of my room with two duffle bags I didn't know I had stuffed with whatever else he decided I would need along with my jacket and books.

"Do not try to follow me and do not seek me out. I don't want anything to do with you and I will be leaving now." I walk past him and shield Rudy from him. We get to the top of the stairs before he snaps out of his stupor and charges.

His footsteps pound down the stairs after us and I turn just in time to deflect the beer bottle he had aimed at the back of my head with my forearm.

"You ungrateful little shit! You think I care what you deserved! I hate you. You ruined my life! You ruined it! I fucking hate you and I'm going to kill you!" he says as he takes a swing at my head that I block. He then aims a kick at my kneecaps, it would have been a good blow if he wasn't so drunk and sloppy. He gets in two punches to my jaw along with the kick before I take my turn.

I shove him away and spit blood out of my mouth onto the rotting floorboards that are already stained with my blood. So much blood i've lost on these floors. It'll be nice to finally add some of his into the mix.

I throw a left jab, and a right hook follow by an uppercut to his face and jaw, rendering him unconscious on the floor. God, I was so scared for so long but all it took was three hits, three hits and he's out. How many hits would I have been saved from if I had done it sooner? To many to fucking count.

I stoop down low and say quietly into his ear, "You're a pathetic excuse for a father and I hope you have one hell of a headache when you get up. Don't come looking for me and don't try to contact me because I might not have this kind of restraint i've shown here today to not beat you to a bloody pulp. I will hurt you Ronald. Don't test me."

I get up and walk into the kitchen, Rudy following behind me. I open the fridge, nothing. The freezer. Ahhh, a dazzling supply of something. just what I was looking for. I reach in and pull out the bottle of whiskey and turn around, ready to head back to Rudy's truck with my new found treasure.

"Let's go."

I go to move past Rudy but he stops me by grabbing onto my arm, "Really kid? Is that going to make you feel any better"

I tilt my head at him. He looks a little disappointed. Not that it really matters to me. I chuckle with a slight shake of my head and say,

"It wont make me feel better but it will make life a bit more bearable."

With that we walk out of there and back down the dirty hallway, passed my bleeding father and out the decrepit door back to his truck. We hop in, he starts it up and I don't even bother asking where we're going as I crack open the cold bottle of whiskey and pouring a healthy helping down my throat, I don't care where we're going as long as it's not here. I'd even settle for back at the prison.

How pathetic is that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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