Chapter 9

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3 and a half years later......


The buzz of the gate, the grip of the guards who have learned to fear me, silence, and then, sunlight and a cool morning breeze. Birds are singing a melody to sweet for my ears, that doesn't mean I don't listen, everyday I listen. They sound better without the clamor of the other inmates from within the prison.

I look up into the sky to see morning clouds hanging in the distance, a sleepy sun making its way into the sky to reclaim the day. I hear a throat clear, distant but loud enough I look straight ahead to pin point it. And I do. An older man, probably in his 40's with graying hair, worn out blue jeans, boots and a dirty shirt is leaning against a beat up old Chevy truck. He looks a bit like my father, his size and build is similar and his nose and jawline might as well be my dad's. Does dad have siblings?

The cops who are my permanent detail unhook my shackles, ones I never get to take off, from my ankles and my wrists. I immediately feel lighter.

"Off you go kid, you're out. Make something of yourself and don't be a stranger alright. My wife loves ya and I cant say I hate ya myself. That man bailed ya out, so go 'on over and make his acquaintance alright." Officer Allred, a man I've grown a bit fond of during my stay here at casa de la Prison says to me.

All I do is nod towards him, shake his hand and officer Baez's as well. I don't have anything I wanted to keep besides the book in my back pocket so I move towards the man in slow, calculated steps. He doesn't look intimidated. Good.

He stands up straight and takes a few steps towards me, we meet in the middle of the road. Calculating gazes, small hints of contemplation then, a hand extended towards me.

"Rudy Black, nice to finally meet you kid." He says. Kid ,interesting.

I reach out with my scared knuckles and bruised wrists to shake his hand. Its rough and has calluses, like mine. This tells me he is no stranger to hard work.

"Alexander Black." I say back

"I know. Hop in the car, we've got a long drive a ahead of us. I'll be asking you questions on the way, so make yourself comfortable." He says as he hops into his truck and motions for me to do the same.

I do. Yanking the door open and hopping into the truck, memorizing the license plate, make, model and weak points all the while.

He starts up the car and takes a U-turn, towards state lines.

"So, who are you exactly. I know you must be related to me somehow and you look mildly like my father, but I would like for you to confirm who it is that you are." I say to him, calm and calculated.

"I'm your uncle, albeit one you have never met and to be completely honest I didn't even know you existed till last month. But you are going to be living with me as per guidelines of me bailing you out. You might be a legal adult but you are not a liable one in the eyes of the law since you haven't been an active member of society since you were seventeen."

We drive on, he asks me a few questions as promised. Once we cross the border I realize where we're going, and I'm not happy about it.

"Do you live in this direction or are you trying to be funny?" I ask him.

"No Alexander. I live in wales, we are currently in Dublin. We're going to your old house to pick up some of your stuff before we head to the plane to get to my house." he replies

"What makes you think that that house has anything that I would want to keep with me. And, what makes you think that that house is still standing. Last I checked, it was pretty damn near ruined."

"I've got my connections. Now stop your whining because we're here."

Music is blasting from the house, Closer, by nine inch nails. Beer litters the yard, graffiti on the side of the house and the distinct smell of weed lingers in the air like an old fart.

Instead of throwing a fit and yelling like ever nerve in my body is telling me to, I shut up and face the music with as much sarcastic grace as I can muster.

"Jesus. What a fucking shit hole. Still as bad as I remember it. Whelp, I guess you better wait out here if you don't want to have problems with the occupants of that house. Unless, you want to say hello to your long lost brother whom you love and cherish and all that sibling shit?" I say as I climb out of his car and start on my way towards my old dwelling, where I have basically nothing of value.

"I'll help you get your stuff and then we are leaving, nothing more, nothing less." He says, looking disgusted and just a little indignified at having to enter my house.

"Lets go then big guy, i'll lead the way. It would be wise to stay behind me if you insist on coming in with me. It's not the best idea but.... I'm not gonna stop ya." I say with a smirk.

Dispite my being scared shitless- but in a cool I'm-totally-not-scared-but-completely-confident-in-my-ability-to-get-in-and-out-alive way, I saunter up the steps and into the dilapidated house.

The door screeches on its hinges, just like I remember, and the floor squeals under my weight in exactly all the places I would avoid early in the mourning when I was a kid.

My footsteps seam so loud to me, though you probably could not hear them over the music.

You let me violate you

You let me desecrate you

You let me penetrate you

You let me complicate you

I hate this song. I really do, but, dad loves it.

Walking down the hall, past the kitchen and up the stairs I go two doors down and stop at the door.

1....2...3... Open.

Nothing happens, same old room. Same old smell. Nothing seems to have been moved in the 3, almost 4 years ive been gone.

"Well, that was easy. Seems you wont get to see the man of the hour after all. What a shame." I say to Rudy, my uncle who looks like he wants to vomit, weather it be from the vile smell of this house, the obvious drugs and alcohol use or the song, i'm not to sure.

"Alexander? Is that you?"

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

Looks like I spoke to soon.

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