Chapter Five

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"Another fight? Jesus kid, and here I thought this all just might have been a one time thing based on your records, but it seems that you fight a lot but just don't get caught. Is that correct Mr. Black?" Director Fost said to me.

I stayed silent, not really wanting to talk about it unless I had too, and right now I didn't feel like I had too, at least not yet. After about 30 seconds of silence and everyone in the room staring at me, waiting for an answer, Clyde clears his throat suggestively in my direction. That dick probably wants me to tell them, asshole didn't have to say anything in the first place. And to think that I kind of liked him as a person.

As I turn to scowl at Clyde, Director Fost says, "Mr. Black I asked you a question and I expect an answer to it. It is important for the case and we cant really help you unless we know the full story."

I lean back in the chair, debating on if I should tell him or not. Its not like it will make a difference in the case or anything like that. After thinking for a few seconds I decide that I could care less if he and the Lenyan guy knew.

"Alright then. I guess I should tell you since you expect an answer." I say condescendingly, "I got these bruises from a fight with my father this morning, if you could even call it that. My father is a violent fucker who likes to get drunk and take his anger out on me. That being said my shitty father was drunk this morning, at 6 in the damn morning, and decided that he wanted to rearrange my face."

"Are you saying that you're father hit you this morning?" Mr. Lenyan asks.

"Wow, he speaks. How nice of you Mr. Lenyan to grace us with your monotone voice. No my grandma did. Who the fuck else do you think it would be? I just told you my father hit me. For a lawyer you don't seem to be very bright Mr. Lenyan."

"Cut the sass boy." Baldy says to me sharply. "You will respect Mr. Lenyan and everyone one else in this room."

"Respect is earned Baldy, not just given to people because they say so. So, no I won't cut the sass, as you put it." I say, rolling my eyes. But I will cut you, so watch it.

"How long has your father been hitting you Mr. Black?" asks Director Fost.

"Since he was 4," Clyde responds for me, I feel my eye twitch.

"Wow kid that's a long time. Have you ever tried to get away from him?" asks Fost, with his eyebrows raised high.

"Not tha-

I yell, interrupting Clyde in the middle of answering the question.

"WAS HE TALKING TO YOU CLYDE? NO, NO HE WASN'T. SO STICK A SOCK IN IT. I CAN ANSWER THE QUESTIONS MY DAMN SELF!" After I take a few deep breaths and clench and unclench my fists to calm my anger. I try to answer the question that was meant for me to FUCKING ANSWER! Dammit! I take a few more deep breaths. Why the fuck isn't this working. It's supposed to work, but Clyde's dumbass over there had to go and piss me off.

"To answer your question Director" I say in the sweetest, most innocent voice I can manage while glaring at Clyde's dumbass. "I have thought of trying to get away from him but I never really tried because I knew that it would just make shit worse. My father has some connections with some pretty fucked up people and he could find me really easy if he wanted to."

"I guess I can understand that kid. But, a word for the wise kid, try not to swear so much in court tomorrow. It won't help your case, so, just be on your best behavior okay?" Fost says to me slowly, like I'm a three old kid.

"Contrary to popular belief Director I am not a bad guy nor am I a thug with no manners. While I may look the part, I'm not some fucking barbarian who goes around and beats the shit out of people for no reason. I know how to act and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to me like I'm some fucking kid fresh out his mothers vagina, okay?"

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