Chapter Four

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When we arrive at the precinct where these fine officers work I immediately notice one thing. I've been here before, many times with my father when he was arrested and I would be with him. He would stay in the precincts little jail and the officers would send me home to my step mother, that was never good. To say the least I would have rather stuck in one of the jail cells than go home to her, but that's another story for another time.

The car door opens and Officer Clyde helps me out and leads me into the precinct. The building looks pretty small from the outside but its very spacious on the inside. The floors are marble and the walls are pristine white, while everything else is impeccably clean as well. I swear to god I just saw the shit in there sparkle its so fucking clean.

There's a front desk and a few signs up along with a seating area next to some offices. The place is bustling with people of all ages, its pretty disturbing how many people are in this one room. We walk by all of this and I couldn't help but notice how many stop what they are doing, and stare at me open mouthed. This one girl in particular looked a bit dazed, so for my amusement, I winked at her and she almost collapsed but caught herself just in time on the counter next to her. I chuckle deeply, guess I still look like a handsome son-of-a-bitch even with bruises and handcuffs. But, I cant really blame them for staring, I am quite good looking, and that's not me being cocky.

We stop walking when we reach a door with a sign next to it that says 'cells' and an arrow pointing to the door in question. Wow. I wonder what's in there. I hope its a unicorn. Opening the door, Officer Clyde leads me to one of the unoccupied cells and opens the door.

"Go in there after I take the cuffs off and no funny business alright?" Officer Clyde says to me. All I do is nod my head and let him take the cuffs off. Once they're off I flex my wrists and rub them while walking into the cell and sitting on the cement slab-bench thing against the back wall. "You'll stay here until I come and get you in a little while to talk to the director alright Alexander?"

I just nod again because I'm not really in a talking mood. I yawn loudly and reach up the cover my yawn with my fist. Jesus I'm tired as shit. I lay down on the uncomfortable cement slab, close my eyes and recount the events of today and try to figure out how I got myself so fucked in just one day. Just this morning I was hit by my father again, only to go to school and get into a fight with a stupid fucking jock. And now here I am, all because I lost control of my anger, again. Jesus, I'm pathetic.

I yawn then roll over onto my side before falling into the darkness.


I startle awake when I hear loud banging on the bars of my cell. I pry my tired eyes open and squint towards where the sound is coming from. I see Officer Clyde and some other dude I haven't met before standing there. The other officer is a fat dude who is pretty much bald, so imma refer to him as baldy.

"Get up Alexander. The director is ready to see you now." Officer Clyde says, motioning for me to come forward as he opens the cell. I grunt in slight pain as I get up and make my way towards to cells opening, trying to rub my eyes awake. "We won't need to put cuffs on you as long as you behave and don't try nothing stupid alright boy?" I nod my head to indicate that I understand.

They grab my arms and lead my through the precinct to double wooden doors. Baldy knocks on the door and opens it when he hears 'enter' from the other side. I'm led into a darker room compared to the rest of the precinct. The room is decorated nicely and very clean. Baldy takes my arm and leads me to a chair in front of the big mahogany desk that dominates the room. He shoves me down into the seat and I growl at him in defense.

"There was no need to push me into the seat you dickwad, I was going to sit anyways. So just keep your hair on and don't touch me again." I growl at him with so much hatred and force that he backs up a few steps and gulps. I finally look up and acknowledge to director who is watching the exchange with an amused look on his face. The director is pretty young, maybe late 20's to early 30's. He's got blond hair and blue eyes, he looks like he would be about 6'1, 175 pounds, so smaller than me. He looks like he could handle himself well in a fight. That's another thing I learned from my father, how to size people up.

There was also another guy in the room, sitting in a chair that is against the wall to my left. He looks older, maybe early to late 40's. Greying brown hair and dark brown eyes. Hmm, he's about 5'11, looks about 170 pounds, I could take him easily. Just like the Officers in here, but Clyde would definitely put up more of a challenge than Baldy would.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Jayden Fost and I'm the director of this precinct here in London. That man over there is a lawyer that the state has provided for you because you are a minor. His name is Fredrick Lenyan and he is very skilled at what he does. Now please introduce yourself to those who don't know who you are." The director says to me. Introduce myself? Don't they have like a case file or something.

"Uh, okay, I guess. Well, my name is Alexander Kai Black, but I go by Xander. I just turned 17 a month , ago. I'm 6'4, 190 pounds. As you can probably see I have black hair and bright blue and green eyes. I'm here because I beat the shit out of someone who I guess couldn't handle it." I say to everyone as I lean back in my chair.

"Well Mr. Black, that's not exactly what I meant but that's okay." After looking at me for a few seconds and sighing, he continues, "You seem like a nice boy and I wish we could have met on better circumstances, but lets proceed onto the case shall we?" The director says, looking at a file on his desk. "You have the fact that your young and have no prior criminal record going for you, and it looks like that jock got a few good hits in on you, so that can go to show that you didn't just beat the shit out of him."

"Actually Sir, those aren't from the jock that he fought at lunch, those are from a completely different fight that occurred early this morning." Officer Clyde informs the director. Well shit.

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