Chapter Three

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I am currently sitting in the principal, Mr. Larkins's office. I am sitting in the plush chair in front of his big oak wood desk that's cluttered with papers while him and the police consult with each other in the hall. I'm bored so I start to tap and pound on the desk, creating a pretty cool beat. About five minutes later they all step into the room and take their seats. The police sit in the other plush chairs that are a bit to the side of the desk while Mr. Larkins sits down in his rolly chair, he fucks with some papers before taking a deep breath and speaking one word.


"Why what?" I say to him. He gives me a 'you know what look' and then shifts his seat. "Why did I beat Landon to a pulp? Well, I guess i'll tell you. You see, Landon tried to hit me so I defended myself against his attacks." I tell Mr. Larkins and the police officers who's badges read Robert and Clyde.

"Did he really try to hit you Mr. Black or are you just saying that to save your ass?" Officer Clyde asks me.

"No, he really did try to hit me." I say assertively.

"Well tell us how the incident happened." Officer Robert says, "And why you have bruises all over your face and blood on your shirt that's too old to be Landon's." he adds as an afterthought.

"Alright. Well this may sound bad, but this morning I was involved in an incident that resulted in the bruises on my face along with the blood on my shirt. The blood is mine. The fight with Landon happened when he put his arm on my shoulders when everyone knows that I do not like to be touched unless I give you permission. So I told him to move his arm before I move it for him. He proceeded to do as asked, he stood up and then called me a pussy and asked what I was gonna do about it. So, I got up and walked till I was about 3 feet in front of him. He swung and it escalated from there." I tell them all, spreading my hands out to indicate that that was all I had to say about it.

"Who did you fight this morning Mr. Black." Officer Clyde asks me in a no nonsense tone.

"Some people who tried to rob me on my way to school this morning." The lie slips easily out of my mouth. I've been lying all my life about the bruises and shit, so lying is pretty easy for me. Just as Officer Clyde was about to say something else his radio say some unintelligible shit. It sounds like static to me.

"Jesus." he mumbles after hearing what the person on the other end had to say. He looks up at me with a tinge of fear in his eyes but covers it quickly. What the fuck did that person just tell him? He looks at me for a second before saying, "Well normally we would just have to suspend you for a few days but due to the severity of the beating, you are going to have a court date to determine what will happen to you."

Mr. Larkins gasps and asked, "What was the damage?"

"Landon has four broken ribs, a broken nose, a shattered cheekbone and jaw, he has a concussion and is slipping in and out of consciousness. His parents wish to press charges against Mr. Black." Officer Clyde says.

"Jesus Alexander, how many times did you hit him." Mr. Larkins says, his eyes wide and mouth agape.

"FUCK!!!" I yell, flipping the chair as I stand up. "I didn't even hit him that much! I take more than that every fucking day of my life! What the actual fuck! What are his bones make of, silk!" My eyes widen when I realize what I just said. Putting the chair back up on its legs I sit back down and whisper 'fuck' to myself as I put my head in my hands.

"What do you mean you take more than that everyday of your life Alexander?" Mr. Larkins asks me quietly but assertively, like he actually wants to know and cares.

I stand and face away from them, I can feel their stares burning into the back of my skull. After a few minutes of dead silence it becomes to much for me, I sigh and face them. I clench my fists and jaw a few times before running my hands threw my messy hair. Fuck it. I'm already fucked, what difference would it make if they knew.

"My father and 3 step-brothers like to beat the shit out of me everyday." Its like I dropped a bomb. Mr. Larkins and the police officers all start asking questions at the same time. I give them a look that says 'really? One at a times guys.'

"Who, What, When, Where, Why and for how long?" Officer Robert asks me in a serious tone.

"Who? My father, and 3 step-brothers Cole, Brian, and Brett are sadistic people that like to beat and torture me whenever they feel like it. What? Abuse to put it short. When? Usually after school but my father was drunk this morning, hence the bruises and the blood. Why? My father hates me because he just does. And since I was a kid, about 4 years old when my mamma overdosed on heroine" I tell them. God this is the most I've talked to people in years.

"Jesus kid. But you don't really have any prove that your dad is the one that did that to your face do you?" Officer Roberts asks.

"Well, not the bruises but- it would be easier if I showed you." I say, pulling my shirt over my head and turning around so they could see the words, and whip marks carved into my back and that spread throughout my whole torso.

"Fuck kid, that's just fucked up. Don't they hurt kid?" Officer Roberts asks me.

"I'm used to it, so not really, the only times that they really hurt is when I just wake up." I say.

"Well damn, as sad as this is you'll still have to go to court in about two days to get your ruling" Officer Roberts says to me.

"What the hell man, the world just fucking hates me doesn't it." I say angrily, "Fuck it, its not like It really matters anyways."

Officers Roberts sighs, stands up handcuffs me again. He grabs my arm and I tense up. He looks at me calculatingly for a few seconds, sighs and leads me out of the office and down the hallway to the front door. The end of the day bell rings as we go out the front door. Officer Clyde grabs my other arm and together they escort me to their squad car, but not before people see us. As we walk hundreds of kids whisper and take videos as we pass by them.

"Holly shit, he's going to jail..." Maybe.

" hot in handcuffs.." Mmm, why thank you sweetheart.

"..what he gets for hurting Landon..." Fuck you too.

I stare straight ahead and I don't give them the pleasure of looking at them. I spot my friends in the crowd and ask if we can stop to talk to them really quick, they oblige and lead me toward my friends.

"Dude, what the hell, are you going to jail?" Justin asks and all my friends nod, wanting to know the answer to the question as well.

"Not for sure. I'm gonna spend a few days in there waiting for my court date, and if they rule me guilty i'll have to go to Juvie" I tell them.

"Man I understand, we'll see you when you get out man, I don't think visitors are allowed there. But if they are man, let us know." Justin says, "You better get going though, everyone is staring and shit. See ya bro, we'll miss ya Xander." They all pat my shoulder and then we all walk away.

"How come they're allowed to touch you." Officer Clyde asks me.

"They are allowed because they are my friends and I have given them permission, you guys are touching me because you are police but normally I would try and very likely succeed in ripping your arms from your body." I tell him in my deep and completely serious tone.

"Well, aren't you just a pleasant boy." Officer Roberts says sarcastically as he opens the back door to the car and helps me into it. He closes the door, gets in the driver seat, starts the car after Officer Clyde hops in the passenger seat and then starts driving to our destination.

I lean my head on the window and close my eyes and let the darkness wash over me.

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