Chapter Six

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I wake to a stinging pain in my cheek. What the? Did somebody just slap me? I'm instantly awake. I jolt up and off of the concrete slab that has served as my bed for the past day and a half. I look around the cell for the culprit. I see a relatively small police officer standing a few feet away from me and I instinctively know that it was him. Oh how I hate when people touch me. I stalk toward him with aggressive strides, grabbing him by the lapels of his uniform, I shout In his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" He flinches back and cringes at the white hot anger in my voice.

"P-please don't hurt me, I-I just got this job, I'm new. I was just following orders and waking you up like Fost said but you wouldn't wake up when I tried to bang on the bars or when I came in and shook your shoulder so I slapped your cheek. I'm really sorry I was just trying to wake you up so that you could get ready for your court date, its in about an hour an a half." He rambles nervously while holding onto my hands, trying to loosen my grip on his shirt.

Just as I'm about to give him a piece of my mind, a familiar voice says from behind me,

"Come on kid, let him go. There's no need to scare the piss out of him on his first day." I turn and see that its Clyde, my arresting officer. I give him a glare and open my mouth to speak when he cuts me off, "We don't have time for witty comebacks or bullshit kid, we got to get you dressed and to court at nine and its almost eight. So, lets get a move on okay?"

"Whatever." I mumble in response, letting go of the pipsqueak and walking toward the open door of the cell, "Its to damn early for this shit."

Clyde takes hold of my arm and steers me to a metal door that is down the hall and to the left of my cell. Wordlessly he hands me some clothes and gives me a slight push In the direction of said door. I glare over my shoulder at him before doing what I was silently bid. I examine the clothes and see that its black slacks with a white dress shirt, a red tie and a black suit looking jacket thingy. Good god, they want me to wear a damn monkey suit. I pull on the pants and shirt with no trouble but then I get to the tie, fuckin' A. I don't know how to tie a damn tie. After much struggle and a few irritated growls I hear a knock and Clyde's voice saying, "Come on kid, its not a beauty pageant, get the hell out here already!"

I leave the untied tie around my neck, grab the damn jacket, and rip open the metal door. As I walk out the door towards Clyde I slip on the jacket. I stop in front of him uncomfortably as he checks out my attire.

"Don't you know how to tie a tie kid?" Clyde asks.

"No, no I don't. Never had the need to wear one so I never really had to learn how to tie one before. I think I'll look fine without it though, no sense in wearing it if I can't tie the damn thing." I mutter.

"Well, just let me show you real quick and then we can get on our way so we wont be late." He says, grabbing hold of my tie, I start to think about my court date, I wonder who the judge will be and if it'll be like on TV. Will the jocks parents be there? Will my father be there? I doubt it but I wonder if they tracked him down to be in court with me since I am a minor, like I said before, I doubt it. "You understand?" I snap my focus back on him and then realize that he was telling me how to tie my tie. Oops, I caught none of that. I nod to him anyways. He claps me on the shoulder and I flinch slightly at the motion. Fortunately he didn't notice because he was walking away. Wait walking away? I better follow him, shouldn't I?

I catch up to him as we reach the front of the precinct where everything is still all sparkly fucking clean n' shit. He shouts some shit that sounds like a goodbye to one of the other officers at the front and we head outside and to his police car. I notice that that other cop, the pipsqueak who woke me up is sitting in the front already. Weird. Clyde tells me to hop in the back as he gets into the drivers seat.

"Why is pipsqueak here Clyde? He's not my arresting officer like you are." I ask

"My partners wife just gave birth and he took a few days off. Monty here is new and needs some experience so he'll be with us in court today. Fost will meet us there at nine in the court room with your lawyer." He answers before speeding off to, I assume, the courthouse.

"Alright." I say shortly. I zone out for the rest of the ride.

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