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"Mitchy..do you really have to go?.." Scott said with tears in his eyes.
"Yeah...sorry Scotty. But hey, it's only for a week babe.." Mitch said softly.

Mitch had to go to Texas to meet some of his old friends. Scott had to stay home to watch Wyatt and stuff like that.

"I know babe...but I'd rather go with you" Scott said trying really hard not to cry.
"Scotty, we have the whole night together..no need to worry now, okay? You can cry tomorrow at the airport, but now I wanna see that beautiful smile of yours." Mitch said smiling.

Scott and Mitch cuddled up the whole night, watched some movies and ate some pizza together. When it was about 11:30 PM they decided to go to bed, and Mitch slept together with Scott in Scott's room.

09:00 AM. The sound of Scott's alarm clock woke Mitch up. "Scott?" Mitch whispered softly.
"Hhmmpf..yeah?" Scott whispered back.
"We have to get out of bed..it's already 9 AM." Mitch responded.
"Owh. Yeah. Ofcourse. I'll make you some coffee, so you can get your things together." Scott said.
"Thanks babe." Mitch said smiling.

3 hours later at the airport...

"I'm gonna miss you Mitchy.." Scott said with tears almost rolling down his face.
"I'm gonna miss you too scotty..I'll skype you right when I arive okay?" Mitch said sad.
"Yeah.." Scott said looking at his shoes.

They hugged for the last time. Scott helt Mitch closer than ever. The hug lasted for about 2 minutes, then Mitch pulled away.

"Bye Scott. You're the best friend one can ever wish for." Mitch said smiling.
"Bye Mitchy..I love you." Scott said almost crying.

Then Mitch walked towards his plane, and Scott grabbed his phone. Contacts he opened the app. Then he called Kirstie.

"Hey Kirst."

"Hey Scotty."

"Can you pick me up from the airport, I don't feel like driving right now.."

"Yeah ofcourse Scott, I'll be there in 30 okay?"

"Yeah thanks Kirst..you're the best."

"No problem Scotty."

The whole ride home Scott just cried. Kirstie tried to calm him down, but he was just scared. Scared that Mitch fell in love with someone there.

"I have an idea! How about a party tonight? Then I can sleep at your place to keep you company too!..if you'd like to..?" Kirstie said happily.
"Yeah, actually Kirst that would be great! I'd love to. Maybe I can get some distraction then..thanks Kirst!" Scott said motivated.

That evening...

Scott and Kirstie both invited some friends: Kevin, Avie, Drew and the whole gang. They bought some food and alcohol (especially vodka), and scott seemed a little happier.

*knock knock*
"I'll open it!" Kirstie said excided.

A few moments later everyone was standing in the living room of Scott and Mitch's home. Scott put on some music, and now everyone was dancing and drinking.

Scott was happy again, and he didn't even drink that much alcohol. He was happy, until the song 'Misbehavin' came up.

* But I wonder, are you out there thinking of me? Is it stupid that I'm asking do you miss me? Are you behaving? 'Cause I'm saving all my love for you. And I'm having a good time, but I'd rather be with you. A million miles away but I'm still thinking 'bout my baby. Ain't misbehaving, no, you don't need to worry.*

Scott immediately ran towards Mitch's bedroom, opened the door, and collapsed into Mitch's bed crying. The bed still smelled of Mitch. The sweet sent of Mitch made him cry even more. He fantasized about him cuddling Mitch again. Right then he heard a knock on the door.

"Scott?" He heard a voice say.
"Scott please..it's me..Kirstie.." The voice said.
"Can I come in?" Kirstie (the voice) asked.

Scott didn't answer Kirstie's question, and even if he wanted to, he was crying too bad. Then he heard the door open and close again.

Kirstie softly placed a hand on Scott's back, and rubbed it slowly. Scott calmed down a bit, and then he sat up and hugged Kirstie tight. It was a long hug, but Scott pulled away to say something.

"Kirstie..I have to tell you something." Scott said nervously.
"What is it Scotty?" Kirstie said comfortingly.
"I know Mitch is only gone for a week...but..I-I just can't stand being apart from him so long." Scott said collapsing again. Tears rolled down his face so fast, it almost wasn't human.

"Scott, what do you mean?" Kirstie asked.
"I mean-" Scott said, but then paused his sentence to pull away from Kirstie and look her right in the eyes.
"I mean I'm in love with him. I'm in love with Mitch okay?" Scott said very fast.

A week later...

Kirstie stayed at Scott and Mitch's place that whole week, to keep Scott company, but now she dicided to get back to her husband.

It was 06:00 AM and Scott was already awake. Kirstie was gone, so Scott decided to take a shower. Scott had already skyped with Mitch ofcourse, and Scott told him that Kirstie brought him home so the car was still at the airport. Mitch agreed to drive home by himself.

Scott wraped a towel around his waist and got to Mitch's room, where he slept that whole week. He put on a sweather. Right after that he put on some headphones and dicided to listen to some music.

He didn't hear Mitch coming home, and Mitch thought Scott was gone for grocery's or something like that. When Mitch entered his room, he was shocked to see Scott on his bed crying. Scott immediately threw of his headphones, and Mitch runned towards Scott hugging him tightly.

"Scott what's wrong? Omg babe are you okay?" Mitch asked worried.
"I missed you so much Mitch!" Scott cried into Mitch's shoulder. The hugged for a while until Scott stoped crying.

"Mitch I got to be honest with you.." Scott said nervously.
"Is there something Scotty? You can tell me everything babe." Mitch said comfortingly.
"I-I....Mitch...I uhm am...uhh..I'm in love with you...." Scott stuttered.

Mitch stared at Scott for a while. Then he quickly grabbed Scott's face. Scott looked confused.

"I'm in love with you too Scott." Mitch said super quickly. Then he kissed Scott. Scott was super shocked, but after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist and kissed him back. Scott was so happy to fall in love with his best friend.

Five years later...

"Mitch Grassi, will you marry me?" Scott asked.
"I'd love to Scott Grassi-Hoying." Mitch smiled from ear to ear.

Thanks for reading this one-shot! I worked pretty hard on it, so I hope you like it. It was pretty hard to get a good ending though. Leave some sugestions for other subjects in the comments somewhere or something😂. I'm bringing out a new one-shot soon!

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