swimming pool

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Scott's p.o.v.

It was a warm saturday morning, and Kirstie and I dicided to go to the pool resort with a group of other people. We packed our things, and jumped in the car.

When we arrived there were a LOT of people. Like even for a saturday, even for a warm day and even for vacation, it was croudy as fuck.

We changed into our swiming clothes, and walked to the pools together.

Kirstie freaked out when she saw a really cool waterslide, and wanted to go on it immediately. She begged me to go with her:
"Scott pleaaaaassseeeeeee"

I didn't quite dig it tho, but someone else offered to go with her.

The rest of the group was already gone, and so I said I'd wait for them.

I waited, and waited, and...oh, waited, but there was no Kirstie to be seen. I actually started to panick a bit, so I decided to look for her. I gave up after a while, knowing that she'd be okay.

I sat down at the pool, legs in the water, when suddenly a boy sat down next to me.

"Hi, you look like you need a friend. I'm Mitch."

I looked up at him, he looked like a nice person. He had black-ish hair, and brown eyes.

"H-hi, I'm S-Scott.." I was nervous, and I think he could tell.

"Hey, you don't have to be nervous. Are you here alone?" He calmed me down.

"N-no, I'm here with some friends... but I lost them.."

"Same. Hey!, if you want to, whe could go swimming together?" He sounded excited, and I couldn't help but smile at it. I quite liked him.

"Yeah, ofcourse"

He took me by the hand, and walked before me. When I asked where we were going, he only answered with;
"You'll see."

I just let him take me with him. He took me to a place where not many people were, that only proofes how huge this pool resort was.

Than he suddenly turned to face me, and said;

He let go of my hand, and jumped into the pool just like superman.

I laughed my butt off, and when he came to surface, he did too.

"It's my special trick, like it?" He said. I only smiled at him, and then jumped in too.

"So...why'd you take me here?" I asked.

He looked at me, eyes full of something I had never seen before.

"This is just a place I like to go, it's a really cool route and I'd like to show you. If you want?" He put a little question mark after his sentence, how cute.

"Yeah ofcourse!"

We talked about a lot of stuff on the route, about family, friends, passions, ourselfs. We also made a lot of fun. At one point he splashed water in my face, and I'd say;
"You'll regret that!" A little grin showing on my face.

I splashed water at him too, and we ended up having a full on water/tickle fight.

Then we arrived at a dark, cave part of our route.

Mitch grabbed my hand softly, and our fingers slowely intertwined.

"This is my favourite part" He whispered.

"I can see that. It's magical"

"Yes it is"

"Also kinda romantic" I couldn't believe I just said that.


He turned to face me, and I did the same. Our fingers no longer intertwined, he wrapped his arms slowely around my neck and hided his face.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, and closed ny eyes.

We stood there for a moment, when suddenly he whispered something;
"Scotty?" He had made up a little nickname for me, I liked it.


We both looked up. And then it happened....

He locked our lips, and kissed me.

Suddenly everything went blurry, and dark.

Then, I woke up.

It was just a dream.

For a moment I panicked,

But I then remembered, that Mitchy

Was after all,

My sweet, sweet boyfriend.

And he was laying right next to me.

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