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Scott woke up, next to Mitch. 'Huh?' he thought. 'Oh wait I know how we landed here. Let me explain you..'

Scott and Mitch are both 15 years old, and go to the same school. They are friends, very close friends but Mitch is kinda jealous of Scott. Scott is so pretty and strong, and Mitch just wants to be as strong as Scott.

One day Scott asked Mitch if he wanted to go to the gym with him that afternoon, so Mitch said "yeahhh omg. It'll be so much fun!"

When Mitch got home, he realised that he sucks at sports.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT..OMG...okay calm down, you can't make an exuse up to Scott..he's your best friend, and you kinda also have a crush on him. You're going!" Mitch said to himself.

When Mitch was all dressed up, he grabbed his headphone's and walked over to Scott's place.

After 5 minutes of walking he arrived at Scott's place, a huge house that was almast 2 times as big as his own house.

*knock knock knock* Mitch knocked softly on Scott's door. A few seconds later Scott opened the door for Mitch.

"Hey Mitchy, are you ready?" Scott asked sweet.

"Yeah.." Mitch said a little worried, but Scott didn't notice it.

Scott's mom drove them to the gym, and they walked in.

Mitch's POV.

Wow this gym is huge...
And all those people..they look so fit.
Oh Scott is saying something. I suppose he already said it a few times, because he's talking kinda loudly.

"Mitch, hello?"

"Owh yeah? What were you saying again?" I said, but I sounded kinda nervous.

"Are you okay?"

Scott sounds so sweet and cute.....oh yeah shit I have to respond.

"Uhm yeah, I just really don't know what to expect." I said, but what I actually wanted to say was that I really didn't know what to do and I don't want to embaress myself.

"Mitch it's fine. I won't judge you, you know that!"

He is so cute omg.

"Okay...l-lets begin.."

Scott lead me to the treadmills. He stepped on top of one, and I suppose he wanted me to do that too so I did.

"Just begin slowly and build up as you're running okay?" Scott said


I started running. As I builded up the speed, I could feel myself getting more and more out of breath. Then ofcourse ya'll ask to yourself; why didn't I just began slower? Well, I wanted to show Scott that I wasn't a total noob at sporting, although I am.

I runned, and runned, and then it kicked in; my anxiety. I started to breathe even heavier than I was already.

I could feel the room turning and spinning. Black spotts apeared, and I couldn't see clear anymore.

I moved my hand towards the control pannel of the treadmill to turn it off, but I was already too late..

I tripped, and my head hit a iron thing that was standing behind me, and I fainted.

Scott's POV.

I turned around immediately. Mitch was laying on the floor, and I didn't know what to do. I screamed and yelled out for help. Every scream got louder, but gladly people were there in seconds.

"I think he fainted." a man said to me.

I was so relieved. But at the same time I was so terrified, that he might have to go to the hospital.

Gym assitants layed Mitch down, on a couch that stood in the gym.

I called my mom, asking her to pick us up. Then I sat down next to him, waiting until he woke up.

It took a few minutes for him to wake up, and in those minutes I tried to calm myself down.

Why am I like this? Always panicing over Mitch. If other people faint, I don't react like this.

Maybe it's just because he's me best friend.

No that doesn't make sense! I don't know why I'm so protective over him either.

He's just so perfect.

I think...I might be in love.



I hugged him so close, that I didn't notice him saying 'auw' a few times.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Mitchy! I-I should've not taken you here..."

"Scott! It's okay! Calm down.."

I took a few deep breathes, and then looked over at Mitch again, who was now sitting up straight.

He asked for an icepack, and someone gave it to him.

A different person gave us both a glass water.

Then my mom arived.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm fine, I just have a headache." Mitch said.

I was relieved to hear that.

We got to my house by my moms car, and she explained that Mitch could stay at our place if he wanted to.

Mitch decided to stay.

We walked up to my room, and layed down at my bed.

Mitchy cuddled up to my side, and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey, Mitchy...I'm sorry.."

I was so nervous. I don't know for what, but I was nervous.

"It's okay Scotty. I wanted to impress you, and just when I thought it was going well, I got an anxiety attack. It wasn't your fault."

"Mitchy....I...I think I'm im love with you."

I saw Mitch's eyes fly wide open, and then he looked at me.

He sat straight up again and then, quickly, pressed his lips against mine.

I was suprised, but I kissed him back. I love him so much.

We kissed for a while, but then both got sleepy and decided to sleep in my bed together.

3rd person.

And that's how Mitch was now laying next to Scott. In his bed, in his house.

There was only one thing that Scott wanted to ask, and that's why he woke up.

He saw that Mitch was also awake.

"Mitchy...would you like to be my boyfriend?" he whispered.

"I'd love to"

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