Is this what the futere is like? pt 1

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Mitch's p.o.v.

I looked over at Scotty, who was sitting right next to me in a plane seat. He looked super excited. I get that tho, we were on our way to fricking Japan!!!

"Babe, aren't you excited??!!"

I gave him a puzzled look.
"Ofcourse I am!!"

Then he continiued watching the movie he was watching, and I continiued looking out of the window.

After a while he laid his head on my shoulder. He seemed asleep, so cute. I grabbed his hand softely, and intertwined our fingers.

Two hours later...

"Dear travellers, we're going to land in a few moments. Please put your seatbelts around you. Thank you for travelling with us."
I looked next to me, to see Scooter awakened by the plane lady.

We put on our seatbelts and got ready to land.

The landing went smooth, and we had no tubulence whatsoever. When landed, we grabbed our bags and walked out of the plane.

There was a huge board which said;

The realisation became bigger and bigger. Since the revolution Japan had totally changed. People said it was way more futuristic, and everything got better and newer.

I hadn't looked at any pictures of Japan since before the revolution. I wanted it to be a total suprise.

You may wonder which revolution has taken place. Well there was a major war. A lot of city's got destroyed, including Tokyo (where we were heading).

When Tokyo wasn't attacked anymore, they decided to not just rebuilt their city. They desinged new, cool builings, better cars, a whole new form of communication, ect. ect.

Because of the war Japan got to rebuilt a lot of their city's entirely. See, the country that attacked Japan had to give a lot of their money due to damage.

Now Japan has one of the most futuristic city's in the world!

"Hey Mitchy, do you want to get some food at our hotel, or here?" Scott asked.

"Uhm, let's get food at our hotel. But I do want to get some Starbucks here."

"Okay!" Scott jumped up, also being excited about Starbucks.

We entered the big coffee store, which didn't look like a normal Starbucks. There were gatged's everywhere.

On the walls hung some weird tv like things, and in the tables were things which I didn't know what they were.

"Welcome to Starbucks Japan! We have all kinds of technology, and amazing coffee. What would you like to get?"

I looked over at the menu. It was bizzare.
'Robot macchiato'
'On-the-way phone call-uchino'
'Rainbows in a cup'

I had never ever ever heard of these coffee's. But my eye quickely caught something I found quite funny.

"For me a strawberry censored shade, please."

Scott looked at me, and gave a quick laugh. We both knew that 'strawberry censored shade' was related to our swearing in the sup3rfruit video's.

Look at the picture above😂

"For me a dragon-latte, please" Scott chuckeled.

The lady handed us our coffee's while we paid. We then sat down at a table.

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