Chapter 1 - Fire's Out!

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Matt woke with a start, surrounded by rubble and smoke. He hacked and coughed, unable to breathe.

"James! I hear coughing! We must have missed one!"  Yelled a voice in the distance.

Matt felt around himself, finding that his chainsaw was missing. He slowly sat up, seeing firemen in the distance. He looked around. Freddy's was burned down. Those idiots, Mark and Nate, they had burned down his restaurant... his home. They would have to pay for that, but he had bigger problems.

Matt searched around him for a possible weapon, finding a kitchen knife in the wreckage. He didn't see the men coming up behind him to help him though. Matt zipped around, knife raised, but the man ducked just in time. One of the other firefighters grabbed the knife out of his hand.

"Sir, you seem a little confused. We're here to help." One of the firefighters stepped forward. Matt played along.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking.... I thought he had come back." Matt said, looking around nervously.

"Who's this 'he' you're talking about?" Asked one of the fighter fighters.

"The guy who started the fire. That crazed pyromaniac, a night guard named Nathan Smith. There was a guy with him, the former night guard who nearly killed that janitor, then escaped from the police. I think his name was Mark or something." Matt lied.

"And who are you?"

"My name is..." Matt thought of an alias, deciding to use his go-to one. "Scott Cawthon. I'm a performer here at Freddy's."

"And you say the one who caused this fire was Nathan Smith?" Asked the fireman he attacked earlier.

"Yes. I thought he came back to finish me off... sorry for the confusion." He shrugged.

"Alright, we'll have to get you examined, just to make sure you'll be alright." 

"Just give me one second." Matt said. Then he ran off to a payphone, putting on the voice changer right before he dialed Nate's number.

Meanwhile, Nate was sitting on a nearby park bench, reading a newspaper article about Freddy's burning down. They had gotten it out quickly. He had been talking to Mark about the article the whole time.

"You know, I hear they're finally closing the sister location." Mark said.

"If you think I'm going back to Freddy's, your insane." Nate laughed.

"Well, that brings up another point I had. You DO know how rich we could get for our stories, right?"

"What are you getting at?"

"What if we publicized on it? Like, what if we made a horror attraction?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, everyone finds Freddy's to be terrifying, especially after the murders, the disappearances-"

"The FIRE."

"Yeah, that too. Well, what if we bought the old sister location, and made like, a horror attraction out of it?"

Nate considered the thought. The last thing he wanted to do was go back and revisit the memories of Freddy's, but he was still flat broke. Plus, Mark had returned to his normal life, where he was SUPER rich, so they would have the money for it. Nate realized the only way to get back to his normal life was to walk through that horror one last time, and then he could leave it forever.

"Alright, fine. Let's do this then. You figure out the details." Nate got a notification. "Oh, Mark, got a call waiting. I'll call you back, alright?"

"Alright then. Bye-bye!" Then Mark hung up, allowing Nate to pick up the other call.


"Oh Hello!" Nate instantly recognized Matt's voice on the other end of the phone. "I bet this is one phone call you weren't expecting." Matt wanted Nate to feel safe for a bit before going after him.

"See uh, I bet you've figured this out by now, but... I didn't die in that fire. Anyway, the um... police let me make one last phone call. So I thought I'd give you one last ring. For old time's sake." Then he threw safety out the window and just went nuts. "To tell you... there's no where you can run that I won't find you. There's no where you can hide where I won't kill you. And I'll think about it every day, until-" But to his shock, Nate cut him off.

He can't be serious. What an idiot. Nate thought. "Can I put you on hold for a second?"


"No it's fine, you'll love the hold music."

"How did you even get hold music? Wait, don't cut me off!"

"Alright, see you later." Then Nate threw his phone into the fountain nearby. He didn't need it anymore.

Matt angrily hung up the phone. He turned around to see a shocked fireman standing beside him.

"How much did you hear?" Matt asked.

"All of it."

Matt sighed, then held his arms out. "I'm not even going to try lying my way out of this one. Get the cuffs, take me down."

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