Chapter 5 - Remains

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Nate spent the night exploring the old sister location, cleaning it up. He tried to clear the worry out of his mind. Not only did the place give him crazy PTSD, but he couldn't help but feel worried that Mark might bring Springtrap to the new location.

Despite that, Nate put aside his worries and started humming Freddy's song, as cheerfully as he could in order to make it less creepy.

When Nate finally located the security office, he wasn't surprised by its state. The cameras were all down, only one online, and even then, all it showed was static, the room was a cluttered mess, filled with trash and props. What did surprise him was what was scrawled onto the desk.

Evil bots evil bots they will kill you EVIL BOTS

Someone had written it in a hurry. The guy must have been terrified. In fact, the pocket knife that they had carved it with was still jammed in the S. Nate blew away the dust before pulling the knife out of the desk, closing it up. He examined the knife. It wasn't rusted, but the purple paint was chipping off the sides, so he could see it was old.

Nate shoved it in his pocket and looked around, peeking out the side door to see a timetable pinned up on the wall. Though the timetable had potential to be organized and neat, Nate snorted when he saw the state of it. Down the column that said, "Day" There was the name ED written across the entire thing, writing over the lines. Obviously, only one guy actually worked there. But then Nate saw who was on night shift.

Scrawled across the side that said, "Night" was the name A.J In red marker. So he worked here? Nate thought. He thought back to A.J's body, after the man had killed him. Why the heck would he want MORE hours after being so scared here? Nate shook it off. He didn't want to give the past much thought.

Either way, he couldn't help but at least think back to the man. The one who killed A.J. Nate remembered him, as faint as the memory was. He faintly remembered a soccer game, his son, *I gave up trying to work around the ages, he's just Nate's son now.* And he remembered that trip to Freddy's, where the man's youngest son died, as a result of his own son, Luke.

Is that why he called Nate specifically? If he was truly just as mad at Mark as he was at him, why did he specifically call Nate? Was it because since Luke killed his son, he just wanted revenge? No, it had to be more than that. The man he remembered was so kind, so sweet. A loving father. That's who he told that phrase to. "Don't be afraid, they just want to say hi." He told that phrase to him, and that man, no, Phone Guy used it to this very day, clinging onto his anger. What had Nate done that was so awful? He remembered being unable to save the man's son, could that be it? No, there was more.

Attempting to brush off the bad memories, Nate found his way into a storage area, where he found a few old animitronics. Mark would get a kick out of these things. The ones at Freddy's were much smaller, even kind of cute if you looked at them the right way. These ones, though... they were downright creepy. They were MUCH bigger, actually about the size of an adult. You could fit a small child in just the stomach. Nate counted four of them. A pastel colored Foxy, a pastel covered Freddy, and two humanoid ones; a thinly shaped ballerina and a larger humanoid one. It looked like something from a circus. Under its unmoving ponytail was written, "Circus Baby." He found this one especially creepy. It seemed... alive. And with a vengeance, too.

As he left, he took another look at the Freddy. It was clearly the largest of the bunch, just barley topping Baby. At first, he found it just as creepy as Baby, but then he softened. This Freddy seemed alive, just like Baby, but it wasn't vengeful, it just seemed... sad. He felt something familiar inside it, something warm and happy. What was this? Freaked out, Nate ran back to the office where he hid out the rest of the night, waiting for Mark to come.

It took a while, but Mark finally came back. Nate held open the door for him, as Mark carried in a big box of animitronic parts. He was about to show Nate what he found, but Nate pushed the box away, grabbing Mark's attention.

"You've got to see this. I got the jackpot. Bunch of animitronics in the back, fully assembled, taller than average, super creepy. You've got to see." Stammering, Mark pathetically pointed at the box. "We can do that later." Nate said as he ran out of the room, Mark in tow.

When Mark saw the animitronics, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "Oh, frigging jackpot!" He shouted. Then he saw Baby. "Okay, that one's a little freaky." He looked over at Freddy. "That one too."

"Really? The Freddy one seemed comforting to me." Nate shrugged. Mark looked at him like he had three heads as Nate realized what he had said. "SO, why don't you show me what you found?" Nate said, as he power walked across the dining hall and into the office.

Mark ran over to the office. He sat cross legged on the floor and placed the box in front of him, excited to show Nate. Nate chuckled a little and mimicked Mark's position. Mark started pulling out burnt props and photos from the box, finally pulling out Balloon Boy's scratched up and burnt head. "We could, like, hang it from a string." Mark said as he held it above his head.

"Sure. By the way, how do you think that happened?" Nate asked.

"No clue." Mark shrugged, before rooting through the box once more. Annoyed, Mark picked up the Puppets broken head and threw it to Nate, freaking him out. He regained his senses quickly, remembering how docile the Puppet was, at least to him. "Creepy, Creepy..." He said. "It'll scare a few people. Did you at least find the other pieces?" Asked Nate.

"Uh, most of them. A few might have gotten burnt, so we might have to make new ones. I think I can handle that part, so- by the way, I found Springtrap - that takes some pressure off of you-"

Nate jumped up, panicked. "You found Springtrap!?"

"Dang it. Thought I snuck it in there pretty well." Mark mumbled to himself.

"Dude, that thing almost killed us! Specifically me! I nearly got my face chopped up by a freaking fan!"

"Don't worry, We won't actually activate him. Besides, the wiring got burned up anyway. Even if this thing could turn on, it couldn't do anyone. But if you're still whining about it, I'll find a way to completely de-fang him, alright?" Mark rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Just... don't make me look at it." Nate said, peering into the box, Springtrap's severed head at the bottom. Mark laughed and thew the head at Nate, who jumped away, laughing.

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