Part 18 - Final Battle

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Nate stumbled back, clasping a hand to his mouth. He just watched an old friend murder his own wife! The man was insane!

Desperate, Nate reached for his phone, but found that his pocket was empty. His phone was still in the office, as well as the main phone, and he didn't even know if Mark was alive.

So instead, Nate ran the other direction, finding his way into the back hallway. He whipped his head around, looking for any sign of Matt, when he knocked over a large pile of unpacked cardboard boxes. 

Further down the hallway, Matt heard the sound and smiled. "There he is." He mumbled happily under his breath. Nate was frozen for a second, standing still as to not make any more noise, but soon realized that Matt was coming his way.

Nate looked around for anything to use as a weapon, anywhere to hide. He caught sight of the back room, it's door hanging open, but just jammed enough so that it couldn't move. Squeezing through the small space in the open door, Nate was greeted by the sight of the old Sister Location animitronics that he and Mark had stored back there for the time being.

Matt started speed walking down the hall, trying to catch up with Nate. Hearing Matt's footsteps, Nate laid down beside the Baby animitronic, hiding himself from view. He held his breath as he helplessly watched the door. His eyes went wide as he finally saw Matt's shadow step in front of the door. He could see the faint image of Matt looking through the door's opening, as Nate tightened himself up.

The phrase, please don't see me, played on repeat through Nate's head. Matt leaned in closer, taking a look at Funtime Freddy. He saw a darkened reflection lying in between the robots. Matt immediately kicked the door off of it's dangling hinges, shocking Nate, and leaving him unguarded for a split second.

Using the shock to his advantage, Matt raised his knife and swung wildly, scratching Nate's cheek. Nate grunted, hitting the ground. Matt was about to bring the knife down again, but Nate grabbed his ankle and pulled him forward, knocking Matt to the ground.

Luckily for Matt, he didn't loose the knife. Nate tried to get on top of him and pin him down, so that he could get the knife, but Matt moved his arm out of the way just in time and tried to stab Nate, right through the face. Nate was able to dodge a fatal blow just in time, but the knife still cut through his ear, enough that it looked like it was falling off.

Nate stumbled back, grasping his ear and screaming. He backed up against the wall, leaving himself totally defenseless. Matt stood above him, smiling wildly. He was totally lost in madness and anger.

Matt looked off to the side, seeing Funtime Freddy and Baby.

Matt pointed to Funtime Freddy. "That's your son." He said. Nate was confused. He was too preoccupied with his wounds to try and ask what he meant, but it was still strange enough that he wanted to understand.

"When I killed him, that's where I hid the body." Matt said, smiling maniacally. "You're so lucky, you know." Matt said. "You get to be with your son again. Do you know what I would give to be with my daughter again?" Matt crouched down, allowing Nate to look him in the eye. Matt grabbed the front of his hair, pulling his head up to meet his eyes. "You made me loose my daughter, you monster. I have nothing left. My wife, my sons, my daughter. They're all dead, just because I met you. If I had never met you, I would still have my old life."

Matt pressed the knife against Nate's throat, but Nate didn't back down in fear. As a reflex, he pressed back against the wall, trying to get away from the cold, thin line that was the blade on his neck but it didn't make much of a difference. Nate looked Matt in the eye, both of them unblinking. And it was lucky that Nate was looking him right in the eye, because if he hadn't been, he wouldn't have seen the tears welling up in Matt's eyes.

"That stupid soccer game..." Matt said, half laughing, half crying. "She scored for the other team, remember?" Matt laughed through the few tears he couldn't manage to hold back. "I want my daughter again." He cried, softly.

"Okay Daddy."

Matt and Nate tensed up with shock. Neither of them had said that. Both men started to hear whirs and clicks, something starting to move. Nate's eyes went even wider. "Oh my god!" He screamed. Matt turned around.

"Oh my god." He repeated.

It was Baby. She was standing right in front of them, alive and active, and staring right at Matt.

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