Chapter 8 - Dance

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Peyton shook off the feeling and ran to the door, Matt and Steph following close behind. When he opened the door, everyone was blinded by Carrie's dazzling, and totally oblivious smile. She stood there in her homemade white dress. She twirled around, showing off her fantastic dress from all angles. Peyton looked down, an odd sight fully smacking him out of the pain of Libby's death.

"You-you're not wearing shoes!" Peyton pointed at her bare feet, toes painted white, and with a cute pink flower painted on both of her big toes. She was holding her white heels in her hand, dangling them by the slits in the heels. Peyton noticed the peep toes instantly, realizing that she wanted to show off her painted toenails at the dance. "Wait, your mom is okay with this?"

"No, of course not silly!" She giggled, before her smile abruptly faded and her face went blank. "She gave me a thirty minute speech on how I'm most likely going to burn in hell."

"Your mom is kind of crazy, huh?"

"No, just religious."

"Well, um... come in." Peyton stood aside, as she entered with a smile.

"Ah! Hello, Ms. Cordato! *I totally misspelled that... Or got the name wrong in general.* Oh! And Mr. Cordato!"

That's right. Stephanie isn't married anymore, so she goes by her maiden name. I guess that means that I have to have her last name too.

Stephanie wiped a tear and addressed Carrie. "Carrie! You look wonderful!"

"She's right, you really do." Matt added, trying to make small talk. "So Peyton, why don't you change into something nicer?"


Matt and Stephanie watched in horror as Peyton attempted to slow dance with Carrie, but no matter how slowly the song went, her version of slow dancing was fun and quick, throwing the inexperienced Peyton very off, to put it lightly. Matt even tried putting on "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry," and Carrie still danced around excitedly.

"I don't exactly think they'll play something that depressing at a high school prom, but it was worth a try." Matt said as he sat down beside Stephanie, watching the oddly matched couple flail around the room. 

"Help." Peyton mouthed desperately.

Matt stood up and clapped his hands. "Alright! Why don't we try something else?" He shouted with a smile, shutting off the depressing music.

"What should we do, then?" Asked Peyton, panting heavily.

"Maybe an example?" Carrie thought aloud.

Matt and Steph looked each other in the eye, eyes filled with panic. But Carrie misunderstood. "Hey! Can you two dance?"

"Well, yes..." Matt said awkwardly. Stephanie nodded.

"You two show us then!" Carrie said with a smile. Well, said isn't exactly the right word. It was more like... subtly demanded.

"N-no, I really don't think that's a good idea-" Stephanie started, but Carrie cut her off.

"Aw, don't be shy! Here, I'll even look up a good song for you guys! How about... literally anything that was ever on Radio Disney?" Peyton jumped forward, cutting her off.

"Maybe something a little slower!?" Peyton offered.

"So... like... what?" Carrie asked him.

"Let me see your playlist." Peyton said. Carrie handed him her phone, as Peyton flipped through her music section. "Radio Disney, Pop Hits, Top 40- wait, what's this?" Carrie looked over his shoulder.

"Oh, that's just some stuff that my mom put in my playlist." Carrie shrugged. Peyton quickly searched through the playlist.

"Got one!" Peyton plugged in Carrie's phone to the speakers they had found in the basement, pressing play. A quiet, twinkling melody, started to play. They both knew the song. It was one of the most famous songs of all time. "The Prayer," this version sung by Chloe Agnew of Celtic Woman.

Matt sighed and stood up. Carrie and Peyton had forced them into this situation, they had to go through with it. The song was slower than they usually worked with, but they both remembered that it swelled up later in the song. Besides, with Carrie's wildness, the slow start would help them. He held his hand out to Stephanie, offering her to take it.

She knew as well as Matt that they were both trapped, so reluctantly, but also, a little happily, she took his hand and allowed him to lead her to the center of the basement, where they had cleared a space to let the kids dance.

Matt placed his hand on Stephanie's waist, as she placed her hand on his shoulder. They grasped hands and as soon as the words started up, they started attempting to waltz. "I'm a little out of practice..." Stephanie mumbled.

"It's fine. So am I. I've been dancing in a Freddy suit for far too long." He laughed. Stephanie laughed too.

Carrie and Peyton watched them dance from the sidelines. As the song went on, they got better, feeling more comfortable about the dance. Carrie gushed over how pretty they looked, while Peyton flashed back to better times. Times with Jake, Libby, his parents being happy together, heck, even Luke. A tear welled up in his eye, one that Carrie thankfully didn't notice, as Peyton smiled.

They looked so happy. Matt pulled Stephanie a little closer and whispered, "Want to risk it?" Stephanie nodded with a smile, as Matt spun her, before bring her back into his arms. This was how Peyton wanted to remember his parents. Not even when they were still together, this moment was the memory he always wanted to hold onto. The memory of his parents, dancing and being happy, just like old times.

Stephanie laughed as Matt, without warning this time, spun her again. Peyton looked at Carrie. Yeah... I can have that. He thought. Even if it's not with her, I can have that. Despite the past, despite Jake... if they can recapture that feeling after everything that happened, then yeah. I can have that.  Peyton smiled, looking back at those days. His brother and sister, his mom and dad... he used to look on those days and feel guilty, for all the horrible things he did. No one could ever get over fratricide. And while Peyton still felt guilt beyond all belief, now, when he looked at those days, he felt guilty, yes, but there was also happiness. Happiness and hope. For the future.

As the song ended, Matt got really risky and actually dipped Stephanie, who fully trusted his grip. They stared into each others eyes for a bit, remembering everything Peyton did, and feeling the same hope he felt.

Maybe... there's still a lingering chance for us?  Stephanie thought. She held onto that tiny shred of hope for a love that still might be. Meanwhile, Matt had an entirely different hope in his heart.

Maybe... I can get my family back. Maybe... I can finally be happy again. I can finally forget about Nate. We can be happy. I'll do it right the second time around. Maybe I still have a chance.

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