Chapter 6 - Prom Plan

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*Totally not listening to the soundtrack of Carrie The Musical right now... forgive me if I get a little "wink, wink," if you know what I mean. Also, the only reason why I included the image of the dress was because I was looking for references to work of off, and decided that not only is this the perfect dress, but the model is exactly how I imagined Carrie."

Peyton laughed. "She didn't."

"She did. She totally walked up to me and said we were a bad match, then asked me to break up with you so that she could ask you out!" Carrie giggled.

"Why would Chris think we aren't a good match? We're pretty much exactly alike! You know what? Tomorrow at school, I'm going to march right up to her and punch her in the eye, even if it does land me in the principal's office again!" Peyton laughed.

"Oh, really? Well, I just told her we were the perfect couple, and then pointed her to Billy Nolan, you know, that guy you smoke with, so, she's kind of okay with everything now." Carrie smiled on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, alright then." Peyton moved around uncomfortably in his seat, trying to change the subject. Luckily, Carrie read his mind.

"So are you ready for Friday?" She asked. "Sue told me that she found this awesome blue dress!"

"I don't know, I'm not a prom kind of guy..." Peyton said awkwardly. "It's not my thing." *Wow, "wink, wink," levels at 500%.*

"Aw, come on! You ask me out in front of the whole school, then think of quitting on me! You'll be great there!" She giggled.

"I might be able to borrow my dad- um, my uncle's old tux. I might be able to fit into it." Peyton thought. "What about you?"

"You won't believe this! Norma is actually helping me make my dress! It's so beautiful! We found this perfect lacy white fabric to put over it! My mom said it was too revealing, so we added these cute sleeves-" Carrie's excited smile faded. "But um, we have a bit of a problem with it."

"What?" Peyton asked.

"I mean, I'm a decent dancer, but the dress is kind of tight, and I've never really danced in something that... froofy."

"In other words, you have no clue how to dance in the dress." Peyton said.

"Yeah... then again..."

"I have no clue how to dance in general." Peyton finished for her. "Maybe you could ask your mom if she'll teach us?"

"My mother hates dancing. And you."

"Right... well, I'll ask my mom then." Peyton shrugged.

"And what about your uncle?" Carrie asked.

"Oh, um- dancing as Freddy is different from dancing at prom, Carrie." Peyton explained.

Carrie sighed dramatically. "Okay.... I just thought that it would help us if we had both a guy and a girl to help us, but okay..."

Peyton laughed. "Alright, alright. I'll see what I can figure out."

Carrie squealed, shocking Peyton into dropping the phone. "Thanks baby! Now I don't have to be a wallflower!"

"Are you actually looking forward to dancing with my uncle?"

"Only in the sense that means I don't have to sit around watching to stumble around trying to dance with your mom." Then, abruptly, she hung up. Peyton awkwardly put down the phone, then leaned on the desk.

"How the heck am I going to explain this?" Peyton sighed, then went over to the door. Unfortunately, once he opened the door, a glass shattered to the ground, breaking into a million pieces. Peyton jumped back. When he looked up, he saw his mother standing there, an awkward look on her face.



"Well, it's a good thing I was!" She yelled back, watching Peyton stomp away down the stairs.

"Alright, fine, so you heard. Then you know I'm inviting him."

"No, no, no, you're not. What if Carrie was to find out?"

"She'd understand! Carrie is a great person, you know that! She's... she's the only one who's willing to put up with all my... my stupidity!" Peyton yelled.

Stephanie followed him into the kitchen where he sat down at the table.

"You're not stupid, you just don't think. Like this. We can't invite your father. Something will go wrong." She said.

"Mom!" Peyton banged on the table. "You still see something in him! Don't pretend that it's just me! I'm inviting him, alright!? If you want to stop me, then do it." He stared her down, but she didn't budge. "Fine." He said. Then he went to the phone book.

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