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disclaimer: i do not own twilight, the characters, or the plot

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disclaimer: i do not own twilight, the characters, or the plot. i only own aaron swan and her plot.

this book is set in twilight

"Aaron, you are only human."

"I know Jasper, but I want to be with you."

Aaron Swan, cousin to Bella Swan was shipped off with her cousin to live in a small town named Forks. Aaron couldn't help but be relieved to be living with her Uncle and cousin. Her family life was nothing to be happy about.

She thought the last few years of high school was going to be a breeze so she could yet escape another town. Her plans went out the window the moment she met Jasper Hale.

I know I said I was done with this account, but I lied. I miss it too much. This book is also completed and I hope you go to the sequel! Thanks everyone!

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