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Aaron sat alone in her room with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around her tightly. Every shadow reminded her of Murphy and how she thought that he was going to come for her.

Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead. Murphy is dead.

She repeated it around and around in her head. Her hands found their way to her head tugging on her hair. Charlie was at work. Bella was out with Edward. Jasper was hunting. She was alone.

Even when Jasper was here, she felt so alone. Their relationship wasn't like how it used to be. It was full of silence and guilt. Jasper felt so guilty about what had happened to his girlfriend. He should have protected her better.

Aaron got off of her bed and started to pace around. She heard the talk. Charlie was thinking of sending her away. She sat down at her vanity looking at herself in the mirror before starting to apply her makeup like before this all happened. Rummaging through her drawers she found her old hair dye and died strips of her hair blue and pink. She needed to change or she'll be taken away.

Aaron fake smirked into the mirror.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know."

She prayed that she could hide how she was feeling from everyone. It was in that brief moment when she hatched this plan that she forgot Jasper could feel everything she was feeling.

If only she remembered, then everything that will happen to her might have happened.

okay okay, this was a shitty ending, but i needed to show you how Aaron is feeling. when i make the sequel and post it i'll post in here. i need to figure out if im going to combine new moon & eclipse into one book

Thank you all so much for reading this book. I cannot express my gratitude enough 💕

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