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Aaron and Bella couldn't keep the smiles off of their faces as they got out of the truck

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Aaron and Bella couldn't keep the smiles off of their faces as they got out of the truck. They were in love and things were going great for them. They walked passed their school's basketball team earning the attention of their friend. "Yo, Arizona's. So. You and Cullen and Hale." They both shrugged knowing that he had a crush on the both of them and walked away.

They skipped to the table and slid in. Aaron furthest away from Charlie since she is terrified of what he has to talk to her about. "Sorry, we are late. Biology and English project," Bella told him as Cora sat a steak in front of Charlie, seafood in front of Bella, and a veggie burger in front of Aaron.

"Ordered you the seafood combo and a veggie burger combo."

Aaron snorted before starting to joke around to ease some tension. "Order one for yourself next time. You should cut back on the steak," she joked before taking a bite of her burger to which she earned a look of disgust.

"I'm healthy as a horse."

Her uncle looked like he was going to say more - only Cora cut him off. "Say Chief, boys want to know, you find anything down by Queets River today?" Aaron saw the boys behind her lean closer to their table after she asked her question. Looking into her Uncles eyes she saw him trying to word everything carefully.

"The suspect's moving east. Kitsap County Sheriff is taking over from here. They're putting extra guys on."

"Hope they catch him fast."

After she left the group moved in a smooth rhythm of passing salt, pepper, and ketchup. Aaron was happy. They have come so long from when they had moved in. Aaron happily chewed on her burger before Charlie spoke. "Your friends are flagging you two." The girls looked behind them to see Mike shaking his butt at them making weird noises while doing so.

"It's okay you wanna join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway."

"Yeah, us, too."

Her uncle looked at them in disappointment. "It's a Friday night. Go out. The Newton boy's got a big smile for you. Nice family, the Newtons," he told them with a look and a point of his knife. "None of the boys in town interest you?" he asked making Aaron choke on her water. Why is this conversation a thing?

Bella looked at her dad in disgust. "We're not really going to talk about boys, are we?" she asked while Aaron finished up her food. Her family talked too much and not focused on their food. It was a crime to her.

Charlie sighed at his daughter. "Just... you should be around people. I leave you alone too much," he complained looking at his daughter and niece. He hated leaving them alone, but his job was demanding.

Aaron and Bella shared a look. "We've never minded being alone. Guess I'm a lot like my dad that way," Bella told him as Aaron smiled at them.

"I am just used to it."

Cora came back with the Berry cobbler, three forks putting it in between them. The three of them dug into it making it the perfect time for Charlie to talk to Aaron. "I got this in the mail today," Charlie told her making her gulp at the envelope being passed towards her. She took it with shaky fingers before taking a deep breath.

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