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Aaron thought about how she was going to die

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Aaron thought about how she was going to die.

She thought it would by the hands of a loved one. Her mother, her father, hell even her boyfriend. She thought one of them was going to do it. She thought about how they would do it as well.

Maybe choking her, watching the life slowly leave her eyes. Or stabbing her over and over again. Maybe they would even grab her fathers gun and make it quick and painless like she hoped.

She didn't realize they were slowly killing the real girl on the inside.

Aaron locked herself up becoming the hardass she needed to be to survive the deadly trio she had in her life. They taught her many things. How to bottle up her emotions, how not to cry, how not to be surprised by anything anyone throws at her, and how to fight back.

Finally, she was free. She was able to go and live with her Uncle and cousin in a small town named Forks. Aaron couldn't be happier. She wanted to cry tears of joy - but she hasn't cried in three years. Nothing could make her cry.

She thought she was free of her pending death.

But she guesses.

She was wrong.

Aaron thought about how she was going to die.

But she never thought it would be by the hands of a vampire.

a/n: how was this? let me know!
dedicated to latte-to-go because i love her jasper fic and the fic is the one of the reasons why i want to make my own

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