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Aaron was exhausted and sick

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Aaron was exhausted and sick.

She hated being sick. It made her feel weak, and it was just a time when her ex would use her weak body to his advantage.

She also hated being tired. Finding out Jasper was a vampire, it only drugged up bad memories that she didn't want. They plagued her mind and her dreams last night rendering the sleep she did get useless.

"I am leaving now. You sure you don't want to go?"

Aaron shoved her covers off of her head showing her disheveled state. "No." Her voice was hoarse and scratchy making Bella grimace. "Tell them I am sorry," she commented not really meaning it before throwing her covers back over her head. She heard shuffling before the door closing making her sigh in relief. She could be a bitch when she is sick and did not want to take it out on Bella.

Plus, now she was harboring a major secret from her.

The sound of something knocking at her window sent her into a state of confusion before getting up and looking at it. Grabbing her baseball bat, she walked over and opened it to find there was no one there. "I am going crazy," she commented to herself before putting the bat back in its spot.

"I don't think you are."

She jumped and spun on her heel to see Jasper leaning against her window. "You ass," she hissed lightly hitting his shoulder since she knew that it would hurt her more than it hurt him. "What are you doing here?" she asked walking back over to climb into bed.

Jasper awkwardly cleared his throat thankful that he couldn't blush anymore. "Alice had a vision that you were sick, so I'd thought I would come by and take care of you," he told her as his southern accent came out to play. Aaron groaned because she found herself loving the accent.

"Then go downstairs and walk in like a normal person. That way Charlie knows you are here and I won't have to wake up to you being gone," she told him slowly falling into unconsciousness. She remembered hearing him chuckle, and then the sound of the doorbell.

When Charlie opened the door he was not expecting Jasper Hale to be standing there with a bowl of soup. He was expecting a teenager with pizza, not a teenager with soup. "Jasper Hale, what can I help you with?" he asked letting the boy into the house. He gestured to the soup.

"I heard Aaron was sick and my mother made her some soup. I thought I'd keep her company, sir," he told him being polite. Yesterday, at the lake, Aaron told him how important Charlie was to her and he wanted to make a good impression. The father seemed taken back by the gesture because he didn't realize how close she was to the Cullens.

He cleared his throat. "That was nice of the both of you. Her room is upstairs to the left. The last door, just leave her door open," he mumbled before going back to his game. Jasper chuckled thanking him before walking up the steps. He opened the door leaving it open like he was asked too. He grabbed her desk chair and pulled it over to her bed before setting the soup on her nightstand.

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