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"Bahahhaha. That had to be the greatest thing I had ever seen!"

Aaron's laughter rang out in front of the Swan household. Bella had fallen on a patch of ice and instead of helping her she was laughing at her. Charlie, who just pulled up in Bella's truck, ran out of the truck and helped her up. "You alright, Bells? Aaron, that wasn't nice," he told her as she shrugged and moved to her bike. She was taking it to school today because she had to take it to an actual mechanic. Something was making a rattling noise and she couldn't pinpoint what it exactly was.

Bella groaned and brushed off her butt. "Yeah. Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated," she told him obviously in pain as Aaron went over and took off the tarp from the motorcycle. She sighed at the beauty of it. If only it would work. It was working fine the night she went to the Cullen's and then afterward it just started to make weird noises.

Charlie sighed. "Yeah... That's why I had some new tires put on the truck. The old ones were getting really bold. Well, I'll probably be late for dinner. Gotta head down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham mill got killed by some kind of animal," he informed them making Aaron look up from her bike she was messing with. Damn thing was giving her trouble.

"An animal?"

The Sheriff looked at his daughter and niece. "You're not in Phoenix anymore, girls. Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand," he informed them as Aaron climbed on her bike and roared it to life. She ignored the rest of the conversation speeding to school before her bike could stop in the middle of the road. She was surprised to see Edward back in school since he has been gone for a week. She scoffed as the Cullens looked over at her like they had a radar for her. She only spoke to Alice and Emmett. Emmett because he was competitive and they butted heads in gym class, Alice because she was her partner for their book project which they were almost finished with. Jasper, on the other hand, refuses to look at her in biology. He even has taken to sit as far away from her as she could.



Aaron trailed in behind Eric who was talking to Bella at hyper speed as she looked at him in fascination. She wondered if his mouth ever got tired from speaking so much. "Prom Committee is a chick thing but, I got it covered for the paper anyway, and they need a guy to help choose the music, so, I need your playlist. Hey! Listen, I was wondering um, Did you have a date to the -" he was cut off as Mike shoved his way in between the girls shaking his dripping wet hat onto them.

Aaron growled at him before fixing her hair and punching him with some of her strength. "What's up, Arizona's! Huh? You liking the rain, girls? You gotta get used to it, girls," he told them as Eric started to argue with him obviously annoyed that his question was cut off. Aaron nudged her cousin who was watching the argument with amusement.

"Well, someone has a partner today," she informed her cousin who looked at the table with a shocked expression. "Good luck, girl. You are going to need it," she told her before bypassing the boys at the coatrack, who the hell has a coatrack in the classroom anyways? She ignored Jasper as he stared at her for the first time in hell knows how long.

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