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Jasper was waiting for Aaron outside her house the next morning

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Jasper was waiting for Aaron outside her house the next morning. Bella, in her state of mind mixed about what she learned last night, forgot about her cousin. Whom also does not have her motorcycle yet because it was still being fixed.

Getting into the jeep she kissed him lightly making Emmett laugh in the back. "Shut up, steroids," she shot back as Jasper pulled away from the house. She ignored his fake hurt expression as they drove. "Where is everyone else?" she questioned looking around the car. Emmett leaned forward to tap on the dashboard where the clock was.

"We are officially late."

Aaron groaned and hit her head against the seat. She needed to keep her attendance and grades up. The next slip up and she is on a plane back out to Phoenix to be placed in Foster care since she wasn't 18 yet. She really needed to talk to Charlie to see how the papers to adopt her were going.

"Also, steer clear of Rose, she is in a pretty bad mood."

Aaron furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Jasper questioningly at Emmett's words. "Edward told Bella this morning and she didn't take it well." Ah, that explains so much. She leaned back in her seat lost in her thoughts. So much was changing and she didn't know if she could handle it.

One look over to Jasper gave her the reassurance that she needed.

The next day Bella wasn't in school again and neither was Edward. Aaron figured the duo were together. As much as she wished she could skip school and talk to Jasper about vampire things, she couldn't. The letter she got after school yesterday informed the Swan family that the adoption of Aaron was underway and all she had to do was behave for the next few days.

"Did Carlisle turn you?"

Jasper down to his girlfriend as they sat in an empty classroom during their lunch break. The Cullen's didn't seem to mind her or Bella knowing their secret. Only Rosalie seemed to care that Bella knew, not Aaron. Not that the younger Swan girl seemed to mind.

Jasper shook his head. "No, I was turned long before I met Carlisle. Heck, long before I even met Alice," he informed her as she cranked her neck to look up at him. She smiled softly at his southern accent. She loved to hear it. She picked at her grapes before popping one in her mouth earning a wide grin from Jasper.

She nuzzled her face into his cold neck. "How did you turn? You don't have to tell me if you don't want too," she told him pressing a kiss into his neck sighing in content. She never felt this way with her ex before and it was amazing. Jasper treated her like a princess and they have only been dating for a few days while her and her ex were together for years.

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