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"You're alive!"

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"You're alive!"

Aaron and Bella were both broken out of their thoughts when they heard Mike boastful voice. Aaron forced a smile at him not bothering to tell him that his voice was giving her a headache. Dr. Cullen, sorry Carlisle, discharged her a few days after she woke up. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for her to miss the stupid field trip she had to go on. She had to wear a brace for a few days for the pain in her shoulder to pass and would experience headaches for a few days afterward.

"Yeah, nothing can kill me I guess," she remarked looking down making Bella look at her. She was the only one out of her and Mike that knew there was a double meaning behind it. Aaron's past wasn't she really liked to talk about. The black haired girl raised her eyes as Mike cleared his throat, but instead caught eyes with Jasper who was right behind Mike.

While she was in the hospital she thought that he came to visit her, but she shoved it off as a dream. A very, very lucid dream. "Actually, I'm glad you're not dead 'cause - well, that would suck. Well, I had a question for you," Mike told her shuffling in nervousness. She hummed as if to tell him 'go ahead' never taking her eyes off of Jasper. "Well, the dancing is coming up soon and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" He nervously spat out.

The question was enough to knock her away from her staring match she was having as her eyes widened in shock. Bella couldn't help but leave a laugh out at her cousin's reaction, she could only wait to see what she was going to say. Aaron thought that he was going to ask Bella, or, heaven forbid, Jessica. Not her.


The three Cullen's who listening in couldn't help but start laughing at the girl. She felt no remorse as Mike's face fell into one of embarrassment. She just flat out did not like him and was not going to give him false hope. Bella took pity on her friend. "I think she means that you should ask Jessica, she really wants to go with you," she told her friend who looked over at the brunette who caught his gaze and waved.

"Bella. Do not put words in my mouth. What I meant was no."

Jasper couldn't help but smile at the two girls who started to bicker back and forth much to Mike's amusement. "Is that Tyler?" Aaron questioned seeing the male who broke her baby. "I am going to kill him!" she snarled before going after the boy. He saw her coming and quickly ran away from her making everyone by the buses laugh at them, although they knew she wasn't playing around.

The teacher quickly separated them and ushered them onto the bus. Unfortunately for Tyler, Aaron had picked the seat right behind him and for the whole two-hour ride was kicking his seat making the ride uncomfortable for him. Don't worry, she switched legs to get a work out in. When they got off the bus she tripped him making him tumble down, only much to Aaron's disappointment Mike caught him sending her a glare. One which she gladly returned. She wasn't going to let the guy who almost killed her off scot free.

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