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Aaron wasn't the same after the incident as they started to call it.

She was quiet and jumpy. She couldn't sleep alone anymore which made Jasper sneak into her room every night to calm her to sleep. He also stayed and protected her because if Murphy happened to come by again he was going to murder him. But to try to get her back into the swing of things, Jasper asked her to come watch them play baseball a few days later.

She really didn't want to go, she wanted to curl up in bed and sleep. Instead, she found herself standing next to Bella about to tell Charlie they had a date. Did she tell Charlie that she was seeing Jasper? She couldn't remember at this point.

"I have a date with Edward Cullen and Aaron has a date with Jasper Hale," Bella blurted out making Aaron jump and Charlie look like he was having an aneurysm. He barely even looked up from the gun he was cleaning, but they knew he wasn't liking the idea.

"They're too old for you."

Aaron walked around and sat next to her dad. "We are both juniors, dad. We thought you liked the Cullen's?" she questioned putting her head on her dad's shoulders savoring the moment. She wished that she had more of these moments when she was young. They were nice.

He snorted. "And I thought the both of you weren't interested in any of the boys in town?" he commented raising his eyebrow. He wanted his daughters happy, he did, but with boys? No thanks.

Bella looked at her father as Aaron played with his hair "Edward and Jasper, they don't live 'in town.' And it's in the early stage and -- whatever, the boys, they are outside right now," she informed him biting her lip. Aaron had a sinking feeling that this was going to end badly. Would they survive if they got shot?

"Now? He's out there?"

Aaron laughed at how shocked her father was laying her head down on his shoulder. "They want to meet you. Officially," she commented making him cock his rifle. She wasn't sure if he was completely serious or not.

Bella sighed at her father's actions. "Be nice, okay? He's... important. As well as Jasper for Aaron. He helped, a lot the other night," she commented flicking her gaze to meet Aaron's. Aaron cocked her head, they were going to keep that secret.

The three of them made their way to the door where they knew that the boys were waiting. Aaron felt bad for letting them outside, but she also knew that they didn't get cold. Bella opened the door to reveal two male vampires dressed for the weather.

"Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward."

"Hello, Chief Swan. I wanted to also introduce myself, I'm Jasper."

Charlie reluctantly shook both of their hands that were outstretched. Aaron couldn't hide her smile, she knew that they were reading Charlie as they did so. "Jasper and I won't keep Bella and Aaron out late tonight. We're just going to go play baseball with our family," he informed the three of them. The girls had no clue that they liked to play baseball let alone was going to have them go play it.

Charlie was surprised. He knew Aaron could play, but his other daughter "Bella's going to play baseball?" he questioned the boys in disbelief. He couldn't believe it.

Jasper couldn't hide his smile as Aaron grabbed her coat. "Yes, sir, that's the plan," he told him as Edward shuffled awkwardly. This was going to be the most awkward date ever. They were just going to watch, not play.

The sheriff was officially awkward in this situation. It's not every day that your two daughters both find boys in the same family. "Well. More power to you, I guess," he awkwardly informed them not looking them in the eyes.

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