Chapter 1

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As your consciousness drifts, you contemplate the connection between mind and body. You feel as though you are real, but you do not have a body to speak of - at least, not one you are aware of yet. You are merely floating, reeling in this forgotten space between reality and fantasy. They said you'd cease to exist - is that what's happening? Is this what it feels like? Almost like being submerged in murky water, but without the wetness - and there's pressure building up behind you. Maybe you're not even human anymore - you're a small puff of smoke, dissipating at an alarming rate. Memories and dreams swirl around you. You try to find something - anything - to hold on to, to bring you from this cavern of weightlessness and back to solidity. Your arm reaches out - but does it? Or is it your imagination? - and your fingers stretch - or, they seem to, although you cannot tell, since they may not be there to stretch at all - and you finally grasp hold of something that keeps you from slipping away.

Your friends.

They greet you with cheery smiles, or reserved waves, or a slight nod. They move past you like shadows on a wall, gradually becoming larger to you - larger than life. At first, you couldn't even remember their faces, or their names - but now, there's no way you could not know these things.

Teruteru and his exuberant personality.

Togami, who willingly gave his life for you, and for everyone else.

Koizumi, who kept her friend's happiness close to her heart.

Pekoyama - whose devotion never wavered even the slightest.

Ibuki and her unique attitude - which was a treat to anyone who had the chance to bear witness to it.

Saionji, who actually tried her hardest to change for the better.

Tsumiki, whose happiness was a truly beautiful thing.

Nidai and his overwhelming presence - how he seemed like a father in many ways.

Tanaka, who was far more sentimental and caring than his demeanor suggested.

You remember them all. Everything about them. They've given you something to look forward to, something to believe in - something to trust in, more than anything else.

You remember Owari, with her huge appetite and stunning appearance. You remember how she didn't mince words, and got straight to the heart of the matter. How she fought the despair of the island, even when the others told her not to. How, in the end, she decided to keep fighting.

You remember Souda. His courage was lacking, but his passion was not. You remember how he pushed again and again for your friends to hold on to the goal of freedom. How his faith in his friends made him brave, when it really counted.

You remember Sonia. You remember that she was dainty in appearance, but her strength was anything but frail. You remember how she cared for her friends more deeply than you could believe possible. How her regal attitude fit her like a glove - and how, with her quiet determination, she was able to resist despair and continue to move onward.

You remember Kuzuryuu, who had changed the most out of all of them since arriving on the island. You remember how he opened up to everyone after Peko's execution, in order to make her sacrifice worth something. How his concern for his friends propelled him to become a huge influence on the rest of the students. It really was amazing, how different he was now.

And - you hoped this would remain with you forever - you remember Nanami.

Nanami saved you all, in the end. She had done nothing but work towards saving all of them since the moment she was created. You remember her refusal to accept mutual killing, the willpower she demonstrated when conducting investigations... you remember how she would take the time to think before she spoke - and the hope she always kept close to her heart.

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