Chapter 17

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"Do I... creep you out?" the Imposter asked hesitantly.

Ibuki slowly shook her head. "Not anymore, Nisemono-chan."

The Imposter sighed to themselves. "That means I did creep you out at one point in time, correct?"

"Sure, when I first woke up." Ibuki smiled at them and patted their arm. "But you've changed since then, and you're a friend. Ibuki can't be creeped out by you all the time, that would be ridiculous!"

The two were camped out in Ibuki's cottage for the night. Although it was in complete disarray, the Imposter felt completely comfortable and at home. This was because Ibuki's cottage was filled to the brim with things that made Ibuki Ibuki. The jewelry piled on the dresser, the clothes strewn across the floor, even the scattered tubes and bottles of makeup seemed to scream, ' This is who I am! ' Her entire room mimicked her personality perfectly.

The Imposter's own cottage was squeaky clean and filled to the brim with... nothing but the furniture it came with.

Devoid. Empty. Purposeless... That's what their own room was like.

"Oi, Ibuki," the Imposter turned to her and looked at her seriously. "I'm sorry that you have to hang around with me."

"What are you talking about??" Ibuki shook her head emphatically. "Ibuki wants to 'hang around' with you."

"Why?" They can't help but laugh bitterly, their mood quickly going sour. "I'm not even a real person."

"Eh? What does that mean...?"

"It means that I don't have anything. My own personality and desires? They're nonexistent. I don't even have my own name."

Ibuki stayed quiet as they began to ramble, perhaps sensing that they needed these things to be said.

"You know that's how Enoshima influenced me, right? I mean, what is there to lose when you're already nothing but a poor imitation? I felt like a lie. Like I was - am - the personification of a lie. I felt like I would never have someone show me genuine love, so she took advantage. And now, here I am." They gesture to themselves. "Some of this is permanent, you know? The facial reconstruction and whatnot."

"But you changed your hair and weight already?" Ibuki pointed out.

They made a face. " Yippee . Instead of being Junko Enoshima, I'm a fatter, goth Junko Enoshima."

The two friends stare at each other for a moment before dissolving into giggles.

"Better than the original, that's for sure." Ibuki winked at them.

"Thank you, Ibuki. I think I do agree with you on that."

Suddenly, Ibuki took their hand in hers, a determined look on her face. "Nisemono-chan."

"W-What?" They started to feel nervous.

"You're... protective." Ibuki said, nodding to herself. "You're a leader. You're charismatic, and you're witty, and you care about other people's well-being more than your own." She bit her lip for a moment, literally chewing over her next words. "You're also lonely, Ibuki thinks... and afraid, and hurting, just like the rest of us. Plus, you really love food, you're a good listener, and you encourage others all the time." She gave them a dazzling smile. "You have your own personality, Nisemono-chan. You are your own person."

"I..." The Imposter felt at a loss for words.

"You don't have to think about it so much, just accept it!" Ibuki lightly punched their arm. "And hey, you know you can pick your own name, right? Something awesome, like 'Death Rider' or 'Lightning Freeze'! Whatever you choose, you're still you, no matter what you call yourself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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