He's A Prince (Ashton)

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"Your majesty, there's a problem in the courtyard. I've been instructed to summon you." Ashton's butler bowed.

Ashton sighed and shut his studies and stood from the chair he'd been occupying for the past few hours. "Thank you Daniel. I'll be down in a moment."

Daniel bowed once again and left the chambers, leaving Ashton alone with his thoughts.

He was already dealing with the burden of becoming king, but having to deal with ridiculous situations was making it incredibly difficult.

He sighed and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. If his mother were here, she'd certainly chastise him for it. But she was away on business in Fallen Hood. She also would have been upset that he did not have the proper "dress code" outfit that a prince must wear.
Instead he wore a linen button up shirt and drawstring pants that came up to his waist. He valued comfort over proper dress.

He strode across the floor to the door and brought himself down and out to the green courtyard.

Several knights had weapons raised and they circled around a single figure.

"Your highness. A peasant has entered the grounds. We have our guards here to keep her in place. What would you like us to do?" Lucas spoke, resting his hands on the hilt of his sword.

Ashton held a hand up and motioned for the knights to lower their weapons. "I'll handle it Lucas. Thank you."

Lucas bowed his head and disbanded the guards, still staying near in case something were to happen.

He made his way towards the peasant girl and noticed her torn dress. She had a wild look in her eyes.

"How did you enter these grounds? There are guards posted at every entrance." Ashton asked her calmly.

She considered him for a moment. "I climbed the gate."

Ashton's eyebrows went up and he tilted his head slightly. "You climbed the gate? By yourself?"

She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Just because I am a woman does not mean I cannot do certain things. Yes. I did it by myself."

"I did not mean to offend. It is not the fact that you are a woman. It's the fact that not even the guards cannot scale that gate."

She looked pleased.

"So I guess my next question is, why did you climb the gate? What was your purpose?" He inquired.

"I needed an audience with the prince. But none of those imbeciles were taking me seriously. And now they send some Romeo-like man to contain me." She spat, giving him a look of distaste.

Despite her words, Ashton found himself smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that? You look absolutely ridiculous." She brushed the hair away from her face.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Prince Ashton of Cliffings. (C'mon Muke) How may I assist you?" He grinned.

The girls' eyes widened and she knelt down to bow. "Your highness. I apologize for my disrespect."

Ashton didn't like when his subjects threw themselves at his feet. He felt distanced from everyone.

He gently took the girls' hand and helped her up to her feet. "Please. There is no need to do such a thing. And I would prefer if you would call me Ashton."

She looked puzzled and quickly removed her hand from his. "But your majesty-"

"Ashton. "Your Majesty" is my mother. I am not fond of the title. I am simply a man. Not a deity," He said sternly. "Now if I'm going to have you calling me by my name, I would inquire to earn yours."

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