Ghost Of You

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I don't know if any of you Dishtowels are still here, but I really hope you are. I've missed writing and I've missed writing crazy, weird, and silly things for you. It's been a few years since the first book went live. Now it's 2018 and I'm still madly in love with 5 Seconds of Summer. Yes I still have a crush on Luke Hemmings. And yes, I know I'm ridiculous. But if any dishtowels are here, let me know who you're still crazy about right here.

It's been almost two months since Youngblood came out and I've had this idea since that day. I've finally decided to write that idea for you. I will warn you, it is a bit sad. The song itself is sad, but beautiful. I hope you enjoy what went through my mind when I listened to Ghost of You over and over. I love you dishtowels. xx

Ashton: Two months. It's been two months since she walked out. Two long, overbearing months since my heart was ripped in two. But who cares right? I certainly don't. Who needs a full heart?
I sighed and unlocked the door to the place she abandoned.
Stepping inside, I had that feeling of dread seep into my bones, like it does everyday. Ever since she's been gone, the whole house has gotten darker, the air heavier.

I threw my keys down on the coffee table and ran a hand through my unwashed hair. She used to be there. Waiting for me when I got home from rehearsals and promos.
She'd be with her book and her cup of coffee, too distracted by the writing on the page to notice me walk in. But once I set my keys down, she'd glance up from her book and give me the heartwarming smile that made me fall for her.
She'd ask how it went. She'd ask questions. Then she'd ruffle my hair and get up to get more coffee.

That's just a memory now.

I shook my head, trying to expel the thought, but she's stuck there. I kicked the coffee table and winced, hoping the pain would comfort me. It didn't.

Grumbling, I grabbed my fifth pair of drumsticks in two days. I fiddled with them on my way to the drum kit I bought recently. I needed my escape in this house.

As I sat down on the stool, I felt the strength return to my hands and arms. Twisting a stick in my fingers, I hit the snare as hard as I could. The vibrations climbed into my veins and gave me a sense of belonging. But slowly in the back of my mind, thoughts of her came swimming back.

So I drowned it out. Like I always do.

I hit, smashed, banged, and crashed my drums. Each movement got angrier and angrier. All of my frustrations and lost dreams flew out of me like sparks.

"Ash! Stop!" Y/N giggled, protecting her sides.

"And why should I? You've got a lovely laugh." I grinned, tickling her mercilessly.

She squirmed and laughed, throwing her head back in defeat. "Ashton! Please!"

I gave in and pulled her close. "As you wish love. But you gotta understand how much I love to hear your laugh. It's music to me. It helps me write songs."

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