He's A Prince (Calum)

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(Hi Dishtowels! Sorry it's been a few days since I've updated! I'm getting ready for fall classes next week and I haven't had the time! So I'll try to write as much as I can! And good luck to anyone going back to school! Love you all xx)

Sneaking out was always a rush. The feeling that he'd be caught any moment was indescribable. He loved it.

Calum brought his cloak around his body and slipped through the gates.

He glanced back at the castle. It was dark and everyone was asleep. Everyone except for him.

He made his way through the streets of Hemwin, stopping every so often to glance into shop windows.
Everything was fascinating to him.
Calum loved coming to the town square in the early hours because it was quiet and peaceful. There were no people to hound him and take advantage of him.

Calum wandered the square, breathing in the cool morning air. It was a little foggy, but he didn't mind.
He enjoyed the overcast weather and being dressed in sweaters. However, being royalty, sweaters were often frowned upon.
When he got these mornings alone, he wore whatever he felt like without the stare of judgment on him.

He let out a sigh and sat on one of the rickety benches against the bakery storefront. The fog hung low in the square and he felt the need for a warm beverage. The bakery wouldn't open for another few hours though.

He let himself relax and watch as the sky started to brighten up. This was one of his favorite views in the world. The colors that blended together in the sky always took his breath away. He wanted to keep that feeling with him everyday. Living in the castle sometimes stole that light away from him. Everything was dull and sucked the happiness out of him.

He didn't mean to be so dreary about being royalty. He knew he was in a very good position and that he shouldn't take it for granted, but he couldn't help it. Most of the time, he was being scolded and ignored. He tried to be the best prince he could be, kind, and understanding. He listened. But the rest of the royal family thought he was insane.

He's tried to help others as much as possible behind his family's back. He's given out money to single mothers with very little to their names. He's helped the homeless and fed them, making sure they had somewhere safe to stay for the night.

Calum thought he was doing the right thing. His family thought he was exploiting the crown.

The sun was finally starting to shine above the horizon and Calum knew his time in the square would be ending soon. Be felt a tinge of longing in his heart. He wanted to be accepted. Not just as a prince, but as a man.

"What good is this world if the people who try to do the right thing are scolded?" Calum had once asked his mother.

"We have a responsibility to our family. We must uphold the crown and avoid controversy. We do not fraternize with the commoners Calum. You must think of your duties."

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