He's A Prince (Michael)

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Michael tapped away on his iPhone, letting his best mate Ashton know that he would be a bit late.

He had gotten caught up in traffic and was currently on his way to the royal ceremony.

He knew he was going to get chastised for his tardiness, but it was his ceremony. They have to wait for him anyways.

You know this is about you right? Ashton responded.

Michael tapped his foot, texting, I've only been preparing for it for 23 years.

Just get here OK? Your mum is running around frantically.

Michael glanced out of the limo window and sighed. His parents were going to kill him.

Once he arrived, he gave his driver some cash and a small salute before running towards the ceremonial hall.

Cameras flashed and girls squealed as he rushed by, fixing his jacket. He was decorated in blue and white, their kingdom's colors. Thank god he remembered to wear the right thing.

He slowed his pace when he reached the doors of the hall, running his hands through his hair. He tried to catch his breath and pushed the giant doors open.

All eyes were on him. He gulped and strode down the aisle, meeting his mum's amused glare.

He took his spot between his parents and tucked his hands behind his back.

"You're late," His mum hissed.

"I know. I'm sorry. I lost track of time," He muttered, kissing her on the cheek.

She gave him a look, but it quickly turned into a smile. He was an only child and he knew his mum cherished him. He was thankful for that.

"We are gathered here in this sacred hall for the official ceremony of our beloved Prince Michael's accent into Guardian," His father boomed, "Not only will he be your royal prince, but he has devoted his life to becoming the Guardian that this kingdom deserves."

Michael took a deep breath.

"Michael, do you pledge your services to your kingdom? Do you promise to protect all those under your reign? Will you become a Guardian and train yourself in the ancient arts that our family has upheld since the beginning of time?"

Michael cleared his throat and stood tall. "I promise so to do. I will uphold the tradition and I will lay my life down for the sake of my kingdom."

His father smiled and presented him with a medal, pinning it to Michael's blue trimmed jacket. You might think this was a normal medal, but to the trained eye, it was gleaming with such power that only Guardians could tame.

Michael felt an energy surge through him and he balled his hands into fists. It was more intense than his father had let on.

"We welcome you Michael. Our prince, and now Guardian."

The hall erupted into cheers and the smile on Michael's face would end up hurting his cheeks the rest of the day.

~~~~~~~~Later That Night~~~~~

"So how does it feel?" Ashton asked, fiddling with a drum stick.

"I mean when you finally get in, it's actually quite pleasurable. I'm surprised you haven't done it yet."

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