Bubble Baths (Ashton)

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(Hi Dishtowels! I know it's been a hot minute, but I wrote this cute little blurb/imagine for one of my friends and posted it originally on Tumblr. So I figured I would post it here too because you're my main readers! I hope you like cute, fluffy, romantic Ashton.)

Ashton shut the front door and discarded his keys in the little glass bowl that resided on the entryway table. "Y/N?" He called out, hanging up his leather jacket, "Are you home yet?" He knew it was probably a dumb question since your car was parked in the driveway. He wandered into the living room just to see a rumpled-up blanket on the couch. He frowned and continued his search in the kitchen. He flicked on the light and sighed when he didn't see your figure raiding the fridge for your late night snack. He stepped out of his shoes and climbed up the stairs toward your shared bedroom, thinking he was too late to see you awake.

Once he reached the bedroom, he scanned the bed and raised an eyebrow. It was empty. He unbuttoned his red button-up shirt and heard the sound of water sloshing around. He slipped out of the red material and gently nudged the master bathroom door open. The only light coming from the room was from the several candles you had lit. Ashton's face spread into a smile when he saw your relaxed body deep in bubbles. "Hey, baby girl."

You glanced up and grinned. "Ash you're home!" You raised your arms, flinging vanilla scented bubbles everywhere.

Ashton chuckled and rested his shoulder against the doorframe. "I thought you would've been sleeping. It's late baby."

"I know but I wanted to see you," You spoke softly. He had been gone on tour for a few months and you've only seen him a few times. Now that he was home for a little while, you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could before he left again.

Ashton's face fell, knowing the feeling of longing for you. "Well, you get to see me for a little while sweetheart. Do you have any room in those bubbles for me?"

You moved to the front of the bathtub, gathering some of the bubbles away from the spot he'd inhabit. "Of course I do."

He dimpled at you and unbuckled his jeans, slipping out of the tight garment. He tugged off his boxers and ran his fingers through his hair. You tried hard not to stare, but he was absolutely stunning in front of you.

He carefully stepped into the tub behind you and sat, disturbing the bubbles around him. "C'mere darlin'," He murmured, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist. You moved back against his chest and sighed softly. He pressed a kiss to your exposed shoulder, moving his legs around you to keep you as close as possible. "How's that baby girl?"

"It's perfect Ash. I missed you so much," You replied.

His slender fingers rubbed gentle circles on the skin that was just below your breasts. "I missed you too love. You're my home. No matter how long I'm gone and how far apart I am from you, I always come back to you. I always will. As long as you'll be patient and wait for me. I know it's hard, but I'll always find my way back to you."

You smiled and leaned into his soothing touch. "You know I'll always wait for you Irwin."

His lips brushed over your neck and he cupped some of the warm water to warm up your shoulders. "Will you always save a bubble bath for me Y/N?" He asked and placed kisses on the sensitive skin on your neck. When you nodded, he knew he had you wrapped around his finger. His lips moved to the nape of your neck, spreading goose bumps all over your body. "Will you let me hold you like this until I have to leave again?"

"Yes Ashton," You breathed out, letting the sensation of his lips and hands wash over you. The feeling of the warm bath and the heat radiating from your boyfriend relaxed you.

Ashton smiled against your skin and nuzzled your neck. "I'm glad to hear that darlin' because that's all I want to do tonight." His arms tightened around your waist as he pulled you flush up against his chest. "Mm that's better baby girl," He mumbled, "I can't have you close enough."

Your heart fluttered and you were pretty sure he could hear it because of how close he was holding you. You rested your hands on his legs and laid your head back on his shoulder, giving in to the bliss he gave you. The scent of the bubbles mixed with the scent of him was intoxicating.

"How are you doing sweetheart?" He asked quietly, holding you tight. His cheeks were flushed from the heat of the water, but he didn't care.

"I'm wonderful," You murmured, "How are you baby?"

He pressed a kiss to your temple and gave you a classic Irwin grin. "I'm in love. I'm happy. I'm cozy. I'm warm. I'm everything that you make me."

"So, is that good?" You teased and played with some of the bubbles on his chest.

His chest rumbled. "It's very good sweetheart. It's almost like I haven't traveled hours to see your face. You just make it all worth it. I don't mind playing shows and getting on planes afterward if it means I get to sit in a bubble bath with you at the end of the night." He admitted and gently brushed his fingers over your cheek.

You glanced up at his face to see him staring at your lips. "You'd do all of that just for a bubble bath?"

"Not just any bubble bath baby girl. If you're not in it, I don't want it anymore." He whispered and kissed your lips tenderly, breathing you in. His normally rough kisses were brushed to the side as he kissed you with the softest of kisses. You wanted to live in this moment forever. His arms wrapped tightly around you, lips on yours, and the fragranced water surrounding both of you.

(I hope you liked it! I'm also planning on writing a part for Calum as well! Please let me know in the comments if you have any other requests or ideas you'd like to read about! I love you dishtowels and I hope you're having a good day. -Kenzie xx)

I'm romantic as fuck. Don't touch me. -Ashton

Oh please. I'm sure I've had way better moments than this bubble bath nonsense. -Luke

You're just jealous coz me and Ash get bubble baths. You're just brushed aside. That's gotta hurt mate. Especially since you're the supposed favorite of the author...._Calum

I honestly don't give a funk. I'm content with where I'm at right now. -Michael

You should give a funk! We're being pushed away! Don't you get it! *grabs Michael's shoulders and shakes him mercilessly* -Luke

You need to calm down Luke. It's just a story. -Ashton

Seriously. -Calum

But I want my screen time! It's been ages! -Luke

*whispers* Pretty princess isn't getting what he wants. -Michael

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