He's A Flower

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My interaction with Doodle5sos on the last chapter gave me an idea. I think my weirdness is starting to come back. Thank you darling for giving me this topic. I hope you like it dishtowels. xx

Ashton: The field of daisies spanned the horizon and smelled of....well daisies. You grabbed your notebook and settled down on a soft patch of grass overlooking the rest of the delicate flowers.
The sun had just started to set and the orange haze washed over the field.

"Nature really is something isn't it?" A voice came at your elbow.

"It sure is." You turned to find no one there. You looked around in confusion and scratched your head. "Huh."

You furrowed your brow in confusion and turned your attention back to your notebook and the sunset. Writing down your feelings, you heard a slight sniff.

"Who's there?" You called. "This isn't funny."

"You have a beautiful way with words." The voice came yet again. It sounded emotional.

"Um. Thanks. Can you uh, maybe show yourself so I don't feel like I'm a loonatic?" You asked reasonably. You scanned the area, looking for any sort of source where the voice may be coming from.

"Oop. Sorry. I realized humans can't see me unless I'm right in front of them. Hold on." You heard a scuffling noise that made goosebumps appear on your skin.

Suddenly, a large, white daisy made it's way onto your knee. It's leaves were like arms and legs, while the stem supported the rest of the flower. It moved so the face of the flower was glancing up at you. Instead of a normal pollen flower, there was a full on human face staring at you.

You screamed and slapped the flower away. You heard his yell last until he hit the ground. 

"What the hell?!" You screeched, wrapping your arms around your knees.

"Ow. You injured my ovary. (This is an actual part of a flower. Don't get all weird on me you doofs.) That's important." The flower whined.

"Are daisies poisonous? Am I breathing in daisy fumes? Will I hallucinate about my math teacher becoming a bagel?" You spouted frantically, covering your mouth and nose so you wouldn't breathe in more dangerous fumes.

The daisy wandered its way back to you, rubbing it's stem. "Calm yourself Debbie Downer. Daisies are pleasant. We aren't poppies. You really hurt me you know." He sniffled.

You rubbed your eyes and blinked. He was still there. "How are you a thing?"

He scoffed and placed his leaves on his hips. Flowers don't have hips, but you swore this one did. "Well when a mommy daisy and a daddy daisy love each other very much...this could also be for same sex flower couples as well with a surrogate..."

"Ah ba ba ba. I don't want to hear about flower sex. Even though I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. You talk. That's...that's unusual." 

"Your face is unusual." He mumbled, kicking at a pebble in the grass.

"I've never met another talking flower, so excuse me for being a bit freaked out. I don't know exactly what to do in this situation." You sighed. "So um. Do you have a name?"

"Of course I have a name peasant. Do you think I'm filth? My name is Ashton The Glorious." He posed, his petals flowing in the wind.

"How'd you get the title of The Glorious?" You inquired, trying not to laugh at his ridiculous stance.

"Have you seen any other flowers with this glorious of a figure? I don't think so. I lift. It's mostly snails and bees though." 

You gently poked the middle of his stem and you heard a giggle.

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