Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Today Is That Day

I sat at the island, moving the food around on my plate with a fork, "remember those people you told me about? William and Sherri? Can I see them?" Julian froze up when I mentioned their names. He settles and continues looking through files across from me.

"No" he says without a thought.

"But why not? You won't be able to protect me forever, there will be a day I will find out all these answers" I argue.

Julian slams the stack of files he's holding down against the island. "Dammit Adelaine but you know what today is not that day, not tomorrow, and not the day after that!" He shouts. Setting my fork down I stand from my stool and rush towards the elevator still in my sleep shorts and grey scoop neck tee.

I could hear him trying to apologize for getting so angry but I quickly hit floor number 47 and waited to be buzzed in.

Michael is right in front of the elevator and sees me, Kaden rounds the corner, he looked tired but his eyes went wide once he saw me.

"What's wrong?" He rushes towards me and picks me up. It's heart warming to know he cares so much about me and hardly knows me.

Once I felt his arms around me I started to cry. Nothing left my lips except quiet sobs. Kaden sits down on the couch with me in his lap still as he tries to quiet me down.

"Shh" he cooes. After sitting for a awhile I feel myself settle, "he's never gotten angry with me before." I whisper.

"Let's go out today, huh? What do you say?" He suggests. I know he's just trying to get my mind off of it.

I nod my head and get up from his lap. "Uhm I'll go up and change" I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "Do you want me go with you incase he's still there?" Kaden offers.

I shake my head no and tell him to come up when he's ready.

Julian is gone when I get to the apartment. I change into a pair of dark jeans, a white quarter sleeved blouse and a pair of coach sneakers. I leave my hair down and add some foundation and mascara before going down the stairs, grabbing my bag and phone.

Kaden is already waiting in the elevator as I join him. "So where to?" I ask as he hits the lobby floor button.

"I was thinking some coffee and maybe I can show you more of the city" even his voice makes me shiver. His dirty blonde has, his facial hair on his jaw, the way his shirt tightened around his muscles.

We walk to a local coffee shop and split a muffin. Kaden took my hand in his and brought it to his lips.

"So Mr. Alpha. What's your favorite color?" I ask wanting to get to know my mate.

"Blue" he answers with a small smile.


"24" he says lowly.

"Not bad" I shrug knowing he's only a year older than Gideon.

"Not bad?" Kaden raises his eyebrows at me.

"I figured you were around there" I answer his confusion.

Something inside of me was irking like someone was near that had my skin itching.

"You alright?" Kaden asks noticing.

"Yeah, it's nothing" I smile. "Here try on these" I grab a few shirts from a rack that would look good on him.

He rolls his eyes before kissing my forehead and going into the nearest changing area. I shift through a few clothes on the rack and lift my gaze up feeling someone watching me.

A man with dark hair and bright blue eyes stares back at me. I can't smell anything on him from our distance.

"What do you think babe?" I hear Kaden ask. Turning around when the curtain opens I grin seeing him in the shirt that showed how toned he was and tried to erase the guy from my mind.

"Better get a few more" I answer him. He turns and takes the shirt off. Staring at his muscular back I instantly wanted every part of him. He caught me staring in the mirror and let out a small chuckle.

As we paid for the clothes and left the shop Kaden threw his arm over my shoulders. His head dipped toward my cheek and neck, inhaling deeply.

We stopped at another store aimlessly looking around. I saw the same man from previously. Was he following us? Feeling nervous I made my way closer to Kaden. I stood between his chest and the rack of clothes, he lowered his head closer to me due to his height so he could hear my whispers so no one else could, "can we go?"

He nods his head yes as we shuffle out of the store. I check behind us and soon enough out comes the man trailing us with a few bags in hand.

Kaden catches my wonder and looks over his shoulder, "do you know him?" He asks.

"No" I shake. "He's been following us for a while" I feel the butterflies in my stomach, is the man going to try to harm us? Is this why Julian always moves us and tried to protect me?

"Come on" Kaden walks behind me, blocking anyone's view from behind us. I struggle to keep up with his pace as he walks faster.

"Wait! Stop!" Someone yells.

"Don't stop moving" Kaden tells me. I suddenly feel the cool air replacing Kaden against my back. I keep moving but turn to see Kaden throw a punch at the mystery man.

His nose is definitely bleeding as he tries to push himself up off the ground. Kaden takes hold of my arm for us to keep going, "Adelaine! Adelaine Hale." He gasps out loudly. I turn in shock that the stranger knows who I am.

"You have thirty seconds to tell me who you are and what it is you want" Kaden growls at the man. I keep myself glued to Kadens side, clutching onto him.

"Please" he breathes heavily. "My name is Seth, Seth Hale."

"How do we know you aren't lying? She doesn't know anyone in her family named Seth " Kaden tells him.

"You wouldn't unless Julian would have told you which I doubt." He rolls his eyes as if he was annoyed at drakes actions. "I know your father and mother. Kellan and Solara " he informs.

"What? How? Who are you?" I beg to him with so many questions. Questions I've needed to be answered.

"Because I'm your uncle. Your real uncle."

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