Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen.

I woke to the sound of a loud crash from afar. Kaden had his arm secured tightly around me and took deep breaths as he lay asleep unaffected by the noise in the distance.

My eyes almost fell to slumber until the sound of loud footsteps stomping and the door being thrown open revealing a livid Peter as Kaden woke up.

"Get out." Peter gritted through his teeth, I could feel his anger towards Kaden. "I said get out. GET OUT NOW" he started yelling when Kaden didn't follow his orders.

"YOU DONT ORDER ME AROUND. I WILL STAY WITH MY MATE IF I PLEASE. OR HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHO YOUR DEAR SISTER IS BONDED TO!?" Kaden got up from his sitting position and stood face to face, chest to chest with Peter squaring off.

Luka slid into the room from hearing the commotion and neared me. "THIS IS MY TERRITORY, MY PACK, MY RULES, MY HOME, AND MY BLOOD. IF YOU DONT FOLLOW THAT THEN GET OUT BUT LAINE STAYS" Peter practically had steam coming out his nose and ears, both ready to attack one another.

"Let's just calm down alright, Brother, they didn't do anything to complete the mating bond. let's continue on our day as planned" Luka, suddenly the voice of reason, helps me out of the bed and carefully away from both of them, each giving a growl.

Once Luka had arranged me a breakfast to feed four in the kitchen he sighed deeply and looked at me from under his brows, "are you trying to get Kaden killed?" he half laughs before continuing "Peter had someone go up to bring Kaden down to discuss the trip and futuristic things with you. When the messenger came back down saying Kaden wasn't in his room but his scent from the bed was the same that led to your room Peter almost killed the messenger and chased up the stairs." he explains.

"You need to understand the importance of your scent staying in it's pure solidity state. It'll make it possible for Gideon to recognize you." I nod my head and pick up the fork to start eating.

"Although, it is also since your two older brothers are one thousand percent against Kaden; touching, changing, marking, mating you in every sense" he admits.

"Thanks, I doubt Kaden will enjoy hearing that one." I cover my mouth as I chew.

"Peter is now" I begin to choke and Luka pats my back.

"They'll kill one another! are you joking! Go! Did you not see them earlier!?!" I shriek.

"Kaden will understand" Luka says quite sure of himself.

"Anyhow, you got a couple phone calls." Luka hands me my phone. I had more than a couple voicemails.

First was Meadows, she cried she missed me and wants me to promise her to return soon for a visit and how Jake says hey and her parents.

Uncle Seth's was next, he apologized for not being there and bringing me the first time I asked. Then apologized some more.

Julian's was sorrowful, he said how he missed me and was so sorry for holding it all back from me before.

"Any good?" Luka asks noticing in done.

"Come visit, an i'm sorry, another I'm sorry"

Peter came down the stairs followed by Kaden. "I've talked to Alpha Kaleo of Anchorage. He says Gideon's been doing better, his mates been doing some therapy mind sessions with him to help him control his emotions. But other than that Kaleo said we were more than welcome to come and Luka and I would help with Gideon's current state of mind" Peter explains, but I feel how Kaden is a bit edgy and I prepare myself for what Peters going to say next.

"But Alpha Kaleo said you can't see Gideon until he's mentally ready for the idea of you being alive before seeing you. Apparently he went a little crazy and fighted the other pack members making Alpha Kaleo at first weary of letting him stay." He finishes and I feel my chest begin to hurt, my heart pounding harder each beat.

" I won't go with you guys? I-I don't understand I thought we were fixing this, fixing their mess!" I reference our parents and can't help the water works.

"It'll throw him off. He'd either not trust himself and others or try to kill you deeming you a figment, illusion of his imagination haunting him." Luka says slowly.

"Maybe this is something you and Kaden should discuss. We'll talk at dinner. I have a meeting with my council." Peter says, I notice his formal attire and wipe my damp eyes.

He nears me and pulls my head towards his nearing mouth, kissing my forehead. His lips lingering in a comforting way, "everything will work out, I promise" Peter pulls away and leaves.

Luka makes his own exit so Kaden and I can talk.

"What do you want to do?" He asks me.

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