Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve.

Luka's been staying with us for a little over a month now. I feel like I've known him for a life time rather the short month we've reconnected.

Kadens been giving me gifts here and there to show me how sorry he is or out of acts of love. Luka is convinced that Kadens wolf is itching to complete the mating process with me and since we haven't even marked one another it's been taking a toll on the both of us.

Luka refuses to let anything remotely 'mate bonding' go on, threatening to leave every time.

"I gave Peter a call today." Luka tells me. His arm over the top of the couch where I sat as his legs flopped to the floor. "I mentioned visiting and he said things were better there but I didn't say anything about you"

I felt my heart beat pound thinking of meeting Peter.

"He said plenty though. He asked if I saw you or Gideon or got any new leads. He said how he had someone following you from when apparently you lived in Orlando and got a picture of you on the street but that was three months ago" Luka tells me more, "so I was thinking in a few days maybe we could go"

"Does Kaden know you talked to Peter?" I asked him.

"He told me" Kaden walked in and kept his eyes on mine.

"Kaden wants to come too." Luka announced before lowering his voice, "I tried to shake it off so that he wouldn't have to but he's persistent on going. I really tried Laine" Luka knows Kaden can hear that's why he mocks him.

"Funny, rogue. Now you said you wanted to talk about something?" Kaden gets straight to the point.

"Yes, I'll be right back Laine" Luka stands and leaves me on the couch.

"About what?" I ask before they leave.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it" Luka teases ruffling my hair, turning and leaving before I can argue.

Later Luka returns but not Kaden, "what did you do to one anther?"

"Nothing we just had a talk" he shrugs. "I'm going back tonight but I should be back by tomorrow evening give or take" those were the last things I wanted to hear even though he says he'll return. A small part of me is begging to not let him leave, to keep him by your side or to go with him. After thinking you had no family near or possible to see and now with one so close I can't let him go anywhere out of my own paranoia that the moment he walks out the door he'll never come back.

"Oh..uhm okay" I lower my head in no place to tell he can't.

"Hey, don't look so down. I promise I'll come back" he lifts my chin with one finger so I am forced to look back at him.

"I failed to keep my promise eighteen years ago but not now, it'll go quicker than you know" he places his lips on my forehead. I stand and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Piggy-back ride to the car?" he asks me, raising his eyebrows. I nod and swing around to his back, latching my legs around his waist.

Inhaling deeply I take in his scent just in case something, anything happens and these are my last moments with him.

"I can feel your worry Laine. I'll be back but you have to let go" realization hits me that we're now in the driveway and he already has the car door open.

"No" A quiet whiney cry leaves my lips.

"Lainey, I give you my word I'll be back" he rubs my arms in attempt to get me to let go.

"No, please no. Let me go with you then" I beg.

"There's nothing for you to do, it's just a quick trip" he says sweetly and continues his attempt to pry me off.

"I got her" I hear Kaden behind us and the water works begin as a separate pair of hands pull my upper body off of Luka but my legs stayed tight.

"Ade, let go baby. He'll be back" Kaden adds.

Luka detaches my legs from his abdomen and turns to face me. His face drops seeing me so upset. "I'll be back before you know it. Okay? I love you Laine" Luka gets in and quickly reverses out of the drive way.

I turn around and bury my face in Kadens chest as he tries to soothe me by cooing small nothings.

"He'll be back, there's nothing to worry about" he whispers.

I stared up at the ceiling, currently laying in the bed Lukas been staying in. The bed covers still smelt of him and even though he promised to come back I couldn't help but worry he wouldn't. That some freak accident would separate us for eternity.

Almost every hour I would find myself turning my head and see the time change waiting for Luka to come back.

I knew it was Kaden when the bedroom door opened. "Are you going to come to bed?" he asks, concern laced his voice.

He takes my silence as a 'no' and comes closer to the bed.

"Alrighty then." he sighs and the bed dips next to me. "I can't sleep without you so, if you won't come to me, then I'll come to you" an arm wrapped around my torso, I could feel Kadens breath down my neck.

"Luka called. He wants me to tell you to have your bags packed so when he comes back you'll be ready to go" he finally speaks after moments of silence.

I turn around to face him suddenly feeling more awake than ever, "really?" I must sound like a five year old.

"Really, really" Kaden chuckles lightly. I bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck, gripping onto him tightly.

"Thank you" I gasp feeling him hug me back.

"On the condition I go with you guys" I figured this would come sooner or later.

I gave him a nod and was about to sit up when I was lowered back down to the bed. Lips pressed against mine in a rush like manner.

"I had to do that once, you need to know that I love you and would do anything for you"

Slowly he went for another, reaching him halfway our lips connected. Passionately in sync, Kaden rested some of his body weight on me pressing ourselves closer.

The more time that passed, the more heated the kiss became. He laid between my legs, needing a breath of air, I pulled back as Kaden continued kissing and sucking down my jaw and neck.

I could feel his wolfs eagerness reaching out to my own, "go ahead" I nodded allowing him to do what I know has been aching him since we met.

"You sure?" Kadens eyes swirled darker to almost black.

"Yes" I squeak out. More than anything I know I need Kaden as my mate especially with everything's that's been going on. Kaden and I should be a team and not on separate pages.

He licked up the side of my neck before sinking his canines in, piercing the skin. The uncomfortable feeling only lasted seconds before pure ecstasy washing over me.

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