Chapter Four

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Chapter Four.


A need is something that is necessary for organisms to live a healthy life. Needs are distinguished from wants because a deficiency would cause a clear negative outcome, such as dysfunction or death.

The elevator door opens, Seth and a few others come in and grab my boxes that I brought down. 

"What's this?" Julians voice booms loudly but no one stops what they're doing. 

"I'm taking Adelaine home with me" Seth informs him casually. 

"Like hell she is" Julian scoffs. 

"She doesn't belong to you-" the tension in the room was rising quickly, "She does! When Kellan and Solara left Adelaine was placed under my guardianship!" 

"She's nineteen she can decide where and what she wants to go and do!" Seth defends me. 

"She doesn't know what she wants she'll get lost going with you" 

"Adelaine go get in the car. Connor will go with you" Seth orders me without breaking the glare he has on Julian . I can see Julian's face contort and sadden as I leave.

Two large SUVs come pulling up next to our three. I sat in the passenger side next to Seth. We hadn't left the buildings garage yet as Kaden stepped out of his vehicle. 

Opening my door he pulled me out, he was livid- "what the hell do you think you're doing leaving?" He growled. 

"Julian was moving us again. Seth came to grab my stuff so I could stay with him" I tell him shakily, he still had his hand wrapped tightly around my arm. 

"I'm your mate you should want to stay with me" 

"If I may intervene, she'll be safe and with her family in the midnight moon pack. You're always welcome to visit ms. Hale. She'll be able to go from ours to yours  as much as she'd like" Alpha Jaxon announced. 

Kaden still seemed angry though, "you're coming back when I'm there to get you. It won't be long" he grits before pressing his lips to mine. 

His heated mouth was forceful and hungry as he kissed me. I could tell he poured so much of himself into it. Pulling away after taking a much needed breath he gently kissed me again. 

"I'll see you soon" I tell him and get back into the SUV. 

He just stood there as if we started again from square one. As we pulled away from the carport I could see and hear him smashing the door of his car shut and the yelling that echoed in the garage making me cringe. 

I'd love more than anything to stay with him but there were things I needed to get straightened out first. Things I don't know if he'd be willing to tag along to. 

When I was younger I prayed I'd never find my mate so I wouldn't have children and put them through what I've been going through.

A woman came from the front door and towards the vehicles. She was wrapped up into alpha Jaxons arms as he kissed her. 

"Adelaine Hale I'd like you to meet my mate, Marillon." Jaxon smiled widely at the mention of her. 

"You can just call me Mari though." She clapped her hands together cheerily. 

"Mari is excited to have you with us, another female to do girly shit with" Seth tells me. 

"I'll show you to your room" Mari links her arm with mine as she leads me to a house next to the pack house. 

"Elijah stays here and so does Seth on occasion, we figured you'd want to stay in the same quarters as them" Mari flashed me her pearly whites. Her short dark hair shaping her face. 

"Yeah thank you actually, it's great" some guys bring boxes into my new room as Mari informs me on everything and anything to know about the pack. 

"Well I'm off" Mari stands to leave, "and Adelaine, I'm glad you're here. It's nice having a new face around" she waved and closed the door behind her. 

I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling, my wolf was whimpering for Kaden and his wolf. 

A knock took me from my thought about him being upset with me or wanting to reject me. Seth stood in the doorway, he motioned his head for me to follow him downstairs. 

"A movie night for my wonderful niece" he threw a blanket over us as we sat on the couch. He had popcorn and drinks all set up. 

"What types of movies are these?" I half laughed as he hit play. 

"Home movies" 

I watched as a little girl showed on the screen. Her dark hair blowing in the wind as she ran up and down the beach. 

A woman scooped up the girl and held her tightly as she came closer to the camera. 

"Daddy! Daddy, daddy!" The little girl screeched. 

The woman pressed her lips to the side of the girls head and took the camera. 

"Laine say, "I love the beach!" The woman instructed her. My mother instructed me. 

"I wuv tha beach!" I said sheepishly before ducking my face into the shoulder father. 

The tape skipped a little bit and a short clip of him tossing me in the hair before catching me and doing it again, each time letting my legs feel the water. 

More followed, I recognized Gideon with his wavy hair as he appeared on the screen. 

He was making sand castles with me, he was probably no older than eight years in this. 

I felt empty as I watched them. I have no friends, well besides Mari and maybe Michael- my immediate family are all off somewhere. 

What would it have been like if none of the bad happened and just the good? Would we be frolicking on the beach still? Would my father be waning boys off with Gideon right by his side? Would my mother and I go in shopping trips and out for lunch? Would Gideon and I go surfing together and on road trips with our mutual friends?

"T-turn it off" I try my hardest not to cry in front of Seth. 

"Hey, hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he cooed and turned the tv off. 

"Come on let's get you to bed you've had a long day" he picked me up and carried me up the stairs to my room. 

"Sleep well." He left the door cracked open and disappeared.

I need Gideon.

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