Start the Positivity

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Okay, I'll be editing my profile because I'm actually trying to get better.

Hey, lmfao on Monday in basketball practice, we were working on handoffs, and when I was handing the ball off to a teammate, someone bit my shoulder.

I still have teethmarks in my left shoulder.

Since we were going opposite direction straight into each other, my whole left arm was SO SORE.

My arm's never been this sore before in my life.

Like, whoever's teeth it was even broke the skin, causing it to bleed.

I got a nasty bruise but whatever, it's still disgusting.

Tuesday night was senior night. How fun.

I already ate all the pounds of candy I got. My coach actually knows what's up for once because she stuffed a shitload of peanut butter cups in the coaches gift bag.

Couple college coaches came to see me play, did pretty good.

I got a three pointer about six feet back from the arc. It's normal though.

EVERYONE stood up, like even bae did dude. He was sitting in the front row of the bleachers and I was just LIIIIT.

So I got to start the game too. I was the last person announced from the starting lineup.

Our handshake was SO LIT.

I run up through the huge tunnel of my other teammates and twenty cheerleaders, then to one of my teammates at the end. She hold up her palms, I lightly punch each hand twice, then DUCK as she takes a swing.

The whole crowd was like ooohhhhhhh!!!!

Save the best for last, yo.

That's the only good thing that happened 😂

Lemme just say this real quick, I watched the most recent S&M episode at 5am this morning, so that'll be my next rant.

Four days ago, I saw this on twitter and I just loved it.

Like, how could you not though

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Like, how could you not though.

It's great. Z-ringshipping is real, yo.

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