Chapter 10

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Aaliyah's POV

12 weeks Pregnant.....

Today is my doctor's appointment and both moms are coming and Caleb is coming, I hope everything is okay with my baby because I've been under so much stress lately. Dealing with Caleb and his airhead and work, I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and started my shower.

I hopped in the shower and got out and got dressed, I just got done putting my shoes on when there is a knock at my door. I opened the door to a stressed out Caleb, "hey I just wondering if I can take you to your doctor's appointment." He rubbing the back of his neck, I smiled.

"Sure let me grab my purse" I say walking to the table, I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door.

The drive to the hospital was silent and it was an awkward silence, we get out and walk towards the door "okay what's with you?" I asked making him stop

"Nothing" He says then starts walking, but I pulled his arm "your lying to me!" I say in a annoyed tone

"Aaliyah please not now can we please go check on peanut." He says walking in the doors, I followed behind irritated.

Caleb went to find some seats while I checked myself in, after checking myself in I went to sit down and seen my mom and Sharon. "Caleb what the fuck is wrong with you" Sharon said slapping him upside his head, then she looked at me I shrugged my shoulders.

"Aaliyah Green" a nurse says smiling at me, we all et up and follow her to an empty room. I sat on the bed and both moms and Caleb sat in the chairs "the doctor should be in here in a minute" the nurse says walking out the door.

We were waiting for 10 minutes until "Hey Aaliyah and who do we have here with you?" She says smiling walking over to the counter. "My mom Nakia, my other mom Sharon, and the baby's father Caleb." I say smiling, Dr. Kori comes over in the rolling chair "okay is there anything I need to know before we get started, I sighed then begin "well there is dizziness, nauseous all the time, morning sickness and I've been stressing a little." She looked at me with the disappointment face.

"Aaliyah what have I told you about stress that's why your always dizzy, and you being nauseous is normal and your 3 months pregnant so your cravings are going to get a little crazy." She says smiling "okay lets check on that baby and make sure is healthy, so lean back and lift up your shirt." She says getting out latex gloves.

I pulled my shirt up and laid back, Dr. Kori got the ultrasound gel and squeezed it on my stomach, she rubbed the ultrasound wand on my stomach "here we go" Dr. Kori said smiling still rubbing the gel on my stomach. Everyone's eyes was glued on the screen "look my grandbaby" Sharon said "I know I can't wait till the little monster is born." my mom said and nudged her.

The room became quiet and you could hear "thump, thump, thump" I felt tears in my eyes. Everyone was gushing about my precious baby except Caleb something was wrong and we all knew it.

Dr. Kori was done handed me a paper towel to clean off my stomach, "okay I'm going to print out your pictures." She said walking out of the room, I turned to Caleb "if you don't want to be here you are free to leave." I say getting off the table, Caleb was about to say something but Dr. Kori walked in with my ultrasound pictures "here you go and make an appointment for next month and I will see then, and remember no stress." She said smiling and walking out the door.

We got outside "mom can you take me home or I can go to your house." I say walking with my mom to her car because I cant deal with Caleb right now.


Caleb's POV

Walking out of the hospital and Aaliyah asked her mom to take her home I know I messed, "ouch!" My mother slapped me in the back of my head "why did you hit me." I say looking at her rubbing the back of my head.

"Because what the hell is wrong with you, after convincing her to give you a chance and reassuring her that you won't back down when it comes to that baby." She says folding her arms "so are you not gone answer me." My mother says getting angry "things at home with Arabella is bad and I'm not backing down from my baby I just got a lot to think about. I'm sorry." I say not looking at my mom

"I'm not the one you need to convince and you have to stop stressing my baby girl out. I'm not playing with you Caleb stop I meaning it." She says walking to her car.

Walking to my car I have a lot to think about, I can't be with Arabella because she wants me to back out of being in my child's life and I won't do it. I get home and I'm already prepared for another argument with Arabella.

"Arabella are you here?" I asked walking in the kitchen and grabbing a beer.

She came downstairs with her hair in a messy bun and lounging clothes, "yes so I've been thinking a lot and..... I don't wanna do this anymore." She says looking at me

"I've also been thinking and I feel the same way. I've been stressing and I have been stressing out Aaliyah and stress is not good for her and the baby and I don't want to put my child in danger and I won't." I say sitting across from her at the table

"See that's what I'm talking about. You love her no your in-love with her and I will not be the one to stay with a guy who doesn't respect me, my feelings, and a guy who doesn't look at me the way he looks his "so called friend." She says putting air quotes "I asked you to not be in that child's life but you disregarded what I said and kept saying I will not 'leave my child without a father' and I can't be a step mom and I won't!" She yells at me now standing up

"Then go Arabella because what kind of man would I be if I left my child because the woman I'm with doesn't like his or her mother and doesn't want to be a step mom to her kid. So you can go pack your things, leave the car keys and my ring on the table." I say getting up and walking away.

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