Chapter 22

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Newborn Arianna^^^^Above

Aaliyah's POV

one week old.........

I was doing laundry when I hear Arianna crying on the baby monitor, I get off my bed and head to my baby girl's nursery. "Hi momma's baby what's the matter" I say picking her up and walking over to her changing table. I changed her diaper because was wet and picked her up to take her downstairs because my mom is coming over and bringing Gabriel so he can see Arianna.

I sat Arianna in her bouncer, so I can pump since my mom wont be here for another hour. I just got done pumping when the doorbell rang, I fixed my clothing and opened the door to my mom, and Gabriel.

"Where is my grand baby?" My mom says giving me a hug, "hey Aaliyah I brought you and baby Arianna something." Gabriel says handing me to big gift bags, and gave me a hug.

"Thank you" I say hugging him back, we walk in the living room and my mom already has Arianna.

"Mom hasn't even been 5 minutes and you already have my daughter." I say walking in the kitchen to get snacks.

"Aaliyah where is Caleb and bring my baby a bottle." My mom yells to me.

I come back with Arianna's bottle and snacks "Caleb is out with Jason getting me some things and here." I say handing my mom the bottle and setting the snacks on the table, I sit down call Caleb, he answers on fourth ring.

"Hey baby I'm on my way back now." Caleb says through the phone.

"Okay before you come home can you stop by the store and get some more Doritos and sour cream because my mom is making homemade nachos and tacos for everybody."

"Okay I'll be home in about 45 minutes." He says then hangs up the phone.


Everybody was here at our house, mow we are arguing with each other trying to decide what to do.

"Let's watch movies because I really wanna want to sit in Caleb and Aaliyah's movie theater." Matt says laying on my lap, Shay smiles.

"Matt you know Aaliyah has a newborn right?" She says playing in Derrick's hair.

"Yes I know that my god baby is only a week old." Matt says sounding offended.

"Okay you two enough." My mom says handing me Ari.

"Anyways mom are you cooking yet, I'm starving." Derrick says wining, making everybody laugh.

"I agree with Derrick momma Nikki I'm hungry." Caleb says sounding like a baby.

My mom laughed "yes I'm cooking and the food is almost ready but I need some things so who wants to go to the store?" My mom ask talking to the guys.

"Caleb, Derrick, and Gabe can go." I say laying Ari in her bouncer

"Baby why do we have to go? You and Shay can go." Caleb says walking over to me

"Yea baby sis you need to get out." Derrick says to me, I smiled "awe you two are so cute but I can't go." I say about to walk upstairs.

"And why not?" Caleb Derrick asked at the same time.

"Because I got baby to feed and I have to pump now Caleb when you go can get me some fruit. Thank you, I love you." I say grabbing my breast pump.

Caleb huffed but all of the guys left and it was just us girls.

"Sharon can you take that outfit off of her please." I say plugging up my breast pump, she nods and takes Ari outfit off leaving her in her pink pot dotted onesie.

"Liyah why did you choose to breast feed?" Shay ask putting her feet on the couch, I sighed "because reading the books and going to classes I learned that breast feeding builds a better bond with you and your baby, and I don't have to spend money on formula." I say looking her.

"So momma Nikki and momma Sharon you guys still haven't told us what is was like being late during your pregnancy." Shay says pausing the TV.

My mom and Sharon smiled and started telling their experience with late delivery.


"Guys dinner is ready." I hear my mom yell as I'm burping Ari on my lap, "okay mom we're coming." Derrick says grabbing Shay's hand and making their way into the kitchen.

"Come on baby burp for momma." I say patting Ari's back, Caleb comes over to me and sits next me and just smiles.

"What?" I say giving Ari her pacifier.

"You look so gorgeous as mother it's like it comes natural, and I love seeing you in mommy mode. I'm proud of you baby and the more I look at you I know I made the right choice. So with that being said." He stands up and yells "family come here for minute please, I have to do something very important."

Everybody comes from the dinning room and gathered around us , Caleb grabbed Ari and handed her to Josh.

Once he handed Ari away he got down on one knee in front of me, I gasped and my hand over my mouth.

"Aaliyah you are my bestfriend. I love the fire I see in your eyes when you are determined to do something. I love your stubbornness, even though it bothers me at times, I still love it. I know I have put you through hell with Arabella and stressing you out, but I knew I loved you the minute you walked into my office with that beautiful contagious smile. I knew I loved you when you first started working for me I had a bad morning and took it out on you, and you sat me straight and telling me I need to CTFO." I laughed and so did our family, as Caleb continued "Aaliyah Roxanne Green will you make me the happiest man on earth and becoming my wife?" He ask taking out this blue small velvet box.

" I laughed and so did our family, as Caleb continued "Aaliyah Roxanne Green will you make me the happiest man on earth and becoming my wife?" He ask taking out this blue small velvet box

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Aaliyah's Engagement Ring^^Above

He opened revealing this gorgeous ring "So will you?" He ask looking at me with hopeful eyes, I couldn't bring myself to talk so I just nodded while tears fell down my face. Caleb slid the ring on my finger and pulled me up and kissed me passionately.

"Yes Nakia we have a wedding to plan." Sharon says excited making us all laugh.

"Yes I know, do you know how long I've been waiting for this to happen." My mom says making Caleb and I laugh.

Everybody went back to the dinning room to eat, Caleb held me in his arms and leaned his forehead on mine "I was so scared that you were going to say no." He says making me smile and laugh a little bit.

"I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I say bring him down so I can kiss him.

"I love you"

"I love you too."

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